What is this WME thing I see in groups name in LFG?

I’m curious. Applied several times and never got invited.

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Not sure why it changed my character before I posted

WME=Warcraft Made Easy. It’s a community of chill people just wanting to do keys without the toxicity.


Oh, nice. Good to know. I searched for WME on the internet and the results I saw were kinda… shocking lmao.


If the OP kept applying to their groups and never got invited, sounds like they’re not doing a very good job of allowing average people to enjoy chill mythics.


I applied to some groups on low keys with alts, maybe just not what they were looking for I guess

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Yeah, a lot of people who claim they are out to “allow the casuals to enjoy group content” end up being just as picky and demanding as normal PUG groups.

“Hey I’m a casual player and I’d like to do a few low mythics to try em out…”

“Where are your (insert current raid ilevel here)!?”

“… nevermind then.”


War Mode Enabled.


most likely this. so waiting on stones people know pvp can happen.

YOu can see this for event world bosses. like the anniversay boss by the caverns of time. Join WME…get flagged. join not wme…no flags.


See, that’s what I assumed also…


WME groups only accept players from the WME discord. Has nothing to do with them being picky, everything to do with making sure they don’t accidentally accept a toxic player into the group and have them ruin the experience.


War Mode Enabled

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Casual has nothing to do with skill. I’m a casual player but I don’t need to be carried.

The irony of having my application denied to one of these keys when looking to do a vault run haha.

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They have a community rule where WME runs have to be 100% WME members.

Only way to guarantee that everyone has agreed to their rules.


They don’t normally take a pug unless everyone in the group agrees.

But, you can simply join their Discord community and apply to WME keys. They don’t have any special requirement to join the community.


You have to agree to their rules, which is a tall ask for some people.

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To me, that was obvious so I didn’t even think about it. But, you are probably right lol.

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Did you join their discord and agree to their rules?

Someone else’s group = someone else’s rules. Start your own group.


Lol oh no… xD