Cant find it anywhere. Hours of trying with gathermate. Literally none to be found
Don’t be on pvp, if you’re on pve and can’t then you’re looking in bad spots
black lotus is highly contested, i read that they only spawn ONE per zone PER HOUR. im not sure if that is across all layers or individual to each layer.
regardless, one per zone per hour. there are only 4 zones where BL spawn, silithus, EPL, winterspring, and burning steppes.
so really, its 4 BL per hour across the entire world map.
it is HIGHLY contested and ive read also that bots camp the known spawn locations and loot them as soon as they spawn.
i have seen one single black lotus out in the wild and i was lucky enough to pick it myself. black lotus also only spawns for players with 300+ herb
none of this is the reason why people cant find them. pvp or pve doesnt matter. bots are farming them using hacks
All my guildies get black lotus when they look on pve, only pvp’ers complain they can’t find them
The secret to getting black lotus, is know where all the spawn locations are at. Use a hunter to eagle eye them all, and then grab it if you see it.
Pay no attention to him. He’s a troll who’s incontinent and dealing with hair loss. He’s quite cranky.
Incase you didn’t know about the black lotis mafia, they are picked up by bots and they’ll send groups of people to protect them, and all the spots they log off from.So as soon as they arrive they are picked up already.I know this from experience in 2k19 wow classic.I had to kill a bunch of noobs to get mine, but thats just the way it is.
Lmao, that sounds about right.
At least im telling the truth when I call you a swiper, while you have to make things up lmao
Taking the side of the gold buyer smh my head
The secret is ‘you ain’t getting one, elfie’ so just buy the BL on the AH (on the DL).
Thats alot of coordination for bots man. IDK about that
they are bots, but there are humans actively controlling them when necessary.
there are plenty of bot farm videos on youtube so you can actually see for yourself how this happens, and its not exclusive to just world of warcraft. there is a human sitting in front of hundreds of bots taking control of each one as necessary
Oh its a reality. I can assure you that.Its unbelievable and true at the sametime, they are keeping track around the clock.If you don’t believe me that is totally fine with me, just felt kind enough to warn you today about it.
same thing here happening in classic. now imagine 10s of thousands of these poeple doing this.
I’ve seen 4 Black Lotus so far on nightslayer and I’m not even an Herbalist, you just have to know the scene, not just the actual spawn locations.
LOL sure Mr. i cAn liE aLl I waNt bEcaUsE i’M a sPeCIal bOy!
If you didn’t buy gold I wouldn’t call you a swiper. Theres no difference in buying gold for gdkp’s and buying it for mount or w/e you spend it on
Bizarre since that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re just mad because I’m anti GDKP. You can’t STAND it. LOL!
But go ahead and feel free to trot out that post you claim exists where I admitted buy gold. Or you can just keep making excuses (I’m too lazy… whaaa…) and continue to lie.
What a sad life.
GDKP’s are banned, you should really get over them they aren’t coming back. Though clearly the swipers(you) are still swiping this time around