What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you in WOW?

Fel Reaver nuf said

Nothing in WoW has ever scared me, however, the current dev and management teams have annoyed the Hell out of me on occasions too numerous to count.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

When I was younger, being screamed at by my arena partner over Skype for losing a game. Sounded like I had just ruined his entire life

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That’s because you did.

Mine was account theft related too, back some time around TBC or WotLK.

I forget what it was that tipped me off, but while I was busy doing something else I became aware that my account was actively being hacked, but they screwed up and didn’t change the email address and so at warp speed I reset the password and logged in to boot the thief out.

When I logged in this character was standing at a mailbox half naked and my inventory mostly cleaned out from stuff having been sold and mailed. Thankfully getting everything restored wasn’t a big issue, but the entire time from the moment I became aware of what was happening to me logging in I was pumping adrenaline pretty hard.

Sore losers are the worst.


Nothing really. Except one time after playing Doom 3 my apprehension lingered while playing WoW. lol

Lol nice.

I can imagine. Didn’t happen with me though. After I found out, all was said and done so it was kind of like coming home to your house being burnt down. Just gotta pick up the pieces and start rebuilding. If GMs couldn’t restore items, I probably would have just quit the game, tbh.

Thank God for the authenticator. I used that thing for so long, the actual keyring thing. Fun fact about that: I actually have one that I use in my dreams. It sometimes teleports me home, like a hearthstone, when I close my eyes and hold the button down. :grin:

I’m glad that there’s an actual free app for that now, but I wonder what would happen if I lost access to my phone. :flushed:

running into stitches in duskwood at 3am.


Nothing, I’m too aware that this is just a pixel fantasy game.

A guy I knew and would PVP with linked me my latitude and longitude, then found my apartment on google, and was guessing as to which floor and room I might be in.

Thanks, Skype.

I remember I played in ICC pug and we killed Saurfang and the arp trinket dropped. I was a ret pally, a new player, and didn’t know that much and rolled it and the master looter gave it to me. The whole voice chat full of warriors started complaining. It was one of my first experiences playing with strangers with voice chat. I legit thought I was going to be hunted down IRL. I’m fairly certain that traumatic experience what decided my reclusive WoW gameplay style ever since.

I got assassinated by a Hunter hiding in the trees, in one shot at Goldshire. All I heard was “fwwpt” and my character screaming with her lifeless corpse laying on the ground.

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Sorry…but the visual made me laugh. lol

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I finally got the astral mount from Elegon about 5 seconds before the server shutdown tuesday morning. I got a mail from the postmaster giving it to me about 3-4 hours after the servers come back.

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