What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you in WOW?

I think the emails are the scariest things. But another scary thing is that, I was in trade talking away you know how I usually am on the forums, and I was talking about how I screwed up something and some other stuff and this guy whispers me like “i reported you” and I’m like hahaha okay, then he kept saying it so I asked “are you being serious” and he put me on ignore, few minutes later I get a message saying “thank you for your report” which i thought said “behavior warning”

I was cropdusting randos, as all rogues do, and they almost saw me!

They didn’t, but they sure smelled me! :rofl:

The time I got hacked, way back in Wrath. I didn’t know GMs can basically look up a history of what items were lost, create duplicates and mail them to you. I just figured “Welp, this is where I get off the bus.”

But yeah, hacker dude cleaned out all my characters of their gold, their armor, their items in bags or in the bank, and they cleaned out the guild bank, because I was an officer and had full access. I ended up getting everything back, but it was very scary.

(Oh, an addendum to this, I ended up finding out I got hacked, because I got banned for advertising a gold selling site, because the hacker was advertising on my account. That’s how I even found out I got hacked in the first place. If you see someone advertising a WoW-related scam site, odds are it’s a hacker who hacked someone. They dare not risk their own accounts.)


I think the scariest thing that happen to me was when i was trading with this guy, and i gave him too much gold , i think it was like 2 mil by accident… lol … but he gave it back to me

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In WoW, nothing really. Outside of it, I had a dream where I was walking around some ruined Titan complex deep underground, started shuffling along the edge of a bottomless black chasm, and then got digested alive by some pitch black thing that came up out of it.


When I very first tried out WoW, it was on a gnome I made on my sister’s account. I had the camera in pretty close, and I was scared of every single mob because they were HUGE! With big YELLOW name plates! And I was sure all of them were going to EAT me!

My sister was like, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Someone that lived across the country from me was able to guess the small city I live in. They said they used to live here before they moved :o

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You ever wondered why kobolds keep candles on their heads?



Probably the time someone was so salty about something I said on the forums they tracked me down in the game and started sending me angry whispers.

I don’t even remember the conversation or the person’s name (this was back in Legion IIRC), but someone finding me in game to basically “continue the argument” was about as scary as it gets for me.

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My WoW account was hacked during Wrath of the Lich King. Thankfully, I was able to recover it with help from Blizzard Support as well as getting a free authenticator.

When I made my first mythic + dungeon group for Eye of Azshara back in Legion. I had never formed a dungeon group before and I was totally confused about being lead.

:diamonds: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :diamonds: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :diamonds: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Getting stuck in a dc loop after falling into the void whilst I was doing out of bounds exploring


Exactly what made me even post that comment. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

:rat: :candle:

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I mailed one of my dead alts in jewelcrafting two Talasite gems. I don’t ever touch the guy and he’s kind of just a hoard for all my junk. For a whole month I completely forgot that I even did it.

The other day I received in the in-game mail from my alt two Talasite gems and I was so horrified because I knew I didn’t play the guy the day prior, let alone in a month. So I was freaking out all over the place thinking I somehow got hacked and that some dude decided to play the alt and troll me.

Took me quite some time to realize and remember the mail I sent to him just expired and got sent back to me because I never got on him to put them in his bank.



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I made the mistake of going to goldshire on this character. I didn’t realize just how “popular” Worgen are there.

The scariest thing in World of Warcraft is this quest;

I truly, truly, dislike this quest because it combines my worst fears. The ocean and darkness. During this quest you wander around the ocean floor and it’s really dark and then some stupid on-screen text keeps saying “something is approaching you”.

And it scared me half to death. I eventually just let myself die because I wanted to see whatever that “something” was.

I will never do that quest again, ever.

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When I first quested in Drustvar, it was late at night. I turned all the lights off and the sound up to get the full experience. Good spooky fun.


Glad I read the replies before posting what I was originally going to post.

Scariest thing was probably first encounter with fel reaver. I used to play with sounds off, now I just have master volume at a reasonable level.