What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you in WOW?

The only thing that ever scared me in WoW was Emperor Rikktik’s Rest in Kun-Lai summit. Was NOT expecting that and scared the bejeezies out of me around 4 AM when I was looking around, there.

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Back in the day, I had snuck up to some caves filled with giant spiders in Storm Peaks while below level in order to gather some Iceweb Spider Silk.

Once inside the caves, I was busy killing one giant spider in front of me and, because I play my characters from an over-the-shoulder view, spider legs suddenly appeared on each side on me reaching forward…

As an anachrophobic, just the idea having a giant spider sneak up on me from behind is enough to give me the heebie jeebies but actually being trapped between two while the one behind surrounds and touches me with it’s legs… still makes me shiver.

Scariest thing for me must have been bfa followed by shadowlands. True horror. Scared me away from the game.

That Cave Horror was the only time WoW managed to jump scare me. Or at least the most memorable one, since no others come to mind.

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We just got done raiding Orgrimmar and after killing the Warchief, everyone started flying off. There’s always that scary moment where the stragglers get picked off by the opposing faction in whatever city you’re in. I got hit by one of the guards so I couldn’t mount, few of us couldn’t. Horde was homing in on us so I decided to heroic leap and worgen sprint out the front gates, I saw my friends dying behind me and I also had nitro rocket boots. I just kept running, heroic leaping off cooldown and making for the hills. No idea how I made it out of there.


One time I killed a rare before someone else got there

So he said my full name, address, and social insurance number before saying he’s on his way and logged off

He showed up to at my house and murdered me, eventually taking over my life


Oh! That’s what I should have posted! I was in BC beta just kinda messing around on Hellfire Peninsula when I heard the noise. Looked up and it was like right on top of me. Ran like hell. Didn’t even know it existed before it suddenly there.

Luckily it didn’t get me, but it scared me enough that I followed them around and figured out their paths. And any time I was near where they could be I kept my head on a swivel. I never did get killed by a fel reaver. In a way, it’s almost kinda sad. Seems like I missed a rite of passage not getting stomped by that thing.


I think we’ve all been there.

If you have

use every color of pufferfish on yourself before you go down. You’ll glow so bright you’ll light everything up and you don’t have to worry about the headlight mechanics or the thing it summons. It’s a lot more fun this way.


My scariest in-game experience was in Grizzly Hills. There’s a town there where everybody turns out to be a worgen. You have to mount the back end of a warhorse while waves of worgen chase you. I threw so many torches and felt actual panic.

the scariest thing that ever happened to me was the time i had to go upstairs and make my own sammich mid raid because mother took it upon herself to attend a tuesday night bingo at her local community centre.

I hate those things so much, I sometimes go back there and slaughter them just because I can.

“Stomp on me will you? HA!”

Following the initial trend some of the earlier posts had, I was leaving school one day when a friend of mine shot me a text. Btags were recently released so she could see my account logging in and out.

“Hey, I seeeeee you.”

“? What’s up?”

“I see you alt-hopping! >:P”

“I’m… not online though?”

“Oh s—”

And of course the ride home was one of the longest I’ve been on since EVERY red light was hit and EVERY road that could be jammed was. I got everything back, which was great, but that was not a fun car ride. Got my authenticator a week later.

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Scariest ? it was one night while fishing ,it was dark but you couldn’t hear a thing (except the sound of the bob hitting the water) and no one was around . Then from out the blue a noisy clashing ,growling sound as a player runs right through the area with a trail of a mob as the guy runs past me. At night when your not expecting anyone at 4 am this can scare me about has bad as deathwing in uldum .

I was logged into a server I had abandoned with only one character after a particularly bad emergency maint. I thought all my characters had been deleted.

Now wait a minute!

I was told this NEVER HAPPENS!

And that I am a crazy person for hiding behind a low level alt because this never happens!


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This is pretty creepy. I would probably just mute the person and ignore them, but reporting them is likely a better way to respond. If they do this to you, they’re likely to do it to another.

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It’s pretty rare, but it does happen that someone angry, in love, or both decides to track you down.

As for posting on an alt, it shouldn’t be a problem to anyone. It’s when people troll behind low level alts while being “normal” on their main that they should be called out.

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Back in my early days, getting flagged used to send me into a mild panic attack. Instant increase in heart rate… bug eyes… sitting on the edge of my seat and looking around in a frenzy for enemies… paranoia and flying to fly to max height and wait until the flag wore off.

WoW just felt really immersive to me at one time. I had real reactions to things. Now? Pff… whatever.

I still get that, but except it’s with the behavior warnings. Here on the forums, I don’t care.

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Days before I was to make rank 14 (before TBC) I was reported for anything and everything. To try and stop me from making to rank 14. This was around the time of the , was a known, and who can forget . And lets not forget scandal. I was so close! Yet still so far, my little honor bar was moving, s l o w. I remember chattin with a few different GM’s. And having to explain why this was happening. It was kinda scary. All the time and effort coulda been lost cause people are jerks. I was the last person to make High Warlord on Zul’Jin, before it was removed from the game. I wonder whatever happen to people from back then. Sasuke, Nerfie and a few others that did a lot of pvp with me.