What is the reason that people thought Sethrak would be playable?

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. The problem lies with vulpera. Mechagnomes are in line with allied races we have had so far. If we had gotten gilgoblins things would have been just fine.

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It’s because normally they do mirrored races and since if Vulpera were going to become a faction race, they would clearly become Horde (as happened) since the Horde quests with them and had them as a faction. So the mirror of that would’ve been the Sethrakk.

It did not happen of course.

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Because it was something unique and different. They also had unique animations so seeing them stay as an NPC race would have been like keeping Vulpera as one. But Vulpera did happen and Sethrak are now rotting away like so many other interesting races.

I’ll speak for myself but I am dying of starvation for something unique and interesting on thre Alliance. So I’ll take anything that isn’t some human knockoff.


Ankoan really should’ve been the Alliance Allied Race instead of Mechagnomes because of the added customization options SL is adding.

I wouldn’t say I thought they would be made playable, but I was just so surprised how much better the model looked/moved compared to what I was imagining from the hearing the words “humanoid snake” that the thought crossed my mind that they could be playable.

They have playable model animations. Stuff like the heart of azeroth. They are a worgen female reskin. And quite unique looking like vulpera. Also serpentine races haven’t been a thing in wow so people wanted something to fill that niche, something like Naga.

Currently if you use the rogue pickpocket glyph on them they have some nice animations. The only thing would be weird helm transmogs but alot of races already deal with that.

This is how I wanted playable mechagnomes. Blizzard sort of ruined them being androids. But a full robot option would greatly enhance them! And maybe some artificial skin colors like gold, bronze, silver, metallic purple, jewel like, yellow, green etc.

The hilarious part is if we ever get seth’rak they will almost certainly be a horde race.

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Horde players assumed vulpera would be the goblin allied race, so Alliance players saw that they got to quest with the Devoted for a few minutes and believed that they would or should have become the Alliance equivalent if Horde players got what they wanted. The arguments for why, exactly, the Alliance would get either the Devoted or the Faithless vary, but they’re usually something about Vorrik having a spat with a Horde leader (what people boil the nightborne joining the Horde down to) or the Faithless siding with the Alliance for some nebulous reason.

Honestly, that sounds like a level of straw-grasping that I can see the pro-sethrak crowd reaching. It’s been two years of campaigning, the race’s story is wrapped up and they’re not hinted to have any presence in Shadowlands, but they just won’t take the L.
People also use Ardenweald as an excuse for new druid races, which is slightly less ridiculous.

Allied race discussion is as unhinged and overly optimistic as Super Smash Bros. or Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC discussion. I’ve seen freaking val’kyr pitched more than once, and the second time was as part of the ALLIANCE. Try to wrap your mind around that.

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I see nothing wrong with this. It can be fun to speculate and drool over the possible allied races, just as long as no one takes it too seriously.


Because we expected more allied races, just going on past performance?

Hell, I half-thought we’d get a Crolusk or a dinosaur race, the way things were going.

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tbh it was just furbaiters who wanted vulpera, and decided on sethrak as the antagonistic participation trophy for the faction who “lost” the yiffbowl. Then the “lemo snek bop the snots” mouthbreathers jumped on the bandwagon, and here we are today.

Naga at least have relevance outside the worst leveling zone in BFA. I’d be down for them as a playable race, but I can’t imagine either faction accepting them. In the same way no one’s going to accept random angry snake people out in a sandpit

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Dead magic vrykul girls.

I don’t think it’d work but it’s a step up from fat humans.

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I would love them on horde personally.

Sethrak were never going to be an alliance race (though intially even I thought so, mainly because the Alliance options are fairly rubbish). They have all the love lavished on them with deep questing and accompaniment, and were (imo) intended for Horde, however, I’m guessing Blizz devs didn’t manage to get the 3rd allied race for Alliance up and running (prolly Thornspeakers, with their completed druid form slapped onto KTs so it wouldn’t be wasted, truncated interactions with the T in Drustvar), therefore no-one got them. Alliance got a replicated pissant intro quest to save the same dude that the horde saves so they could use the main Sethrak town as neutral.

Today was the calligraphy quest in Voldun and so I am particularly annoyed at the ally-horde questing disparity. Horde calligraphy gets lovely grid floors in spaces completely free of impediment, while ally floors do not have this benefit and in [ed the ally specific] 2 cases have foliage overhead that prevents the camera being zoomed out. Not that this quest is important or difficult - just one of those things that peeved me like all the terrible NPCs hounding me to start their quests, or the purposefully cluttered entry to the Ally mission ship, that horde is missing - and demonstrates the small niceties that are lavished left and right on Horde while Ally does not have this care taken with it, or is purposely trolled.

It was always a wishful thinking thing. People believe that if they made enough noise they would get what they wanted.

Worked for Vulpera anyways.

My thought process is thus:

true Kyrians = probably not playable
Kyrian allied Race = undoubtedly Alliance if faction-locked
Budget Kyrians with non-permanent wings = Val’kyr

At the end of the alliance quest chain in Vol’dun the 7th legion guy says something along the lines of “we’ll need to work closely with them [sethrak] in the future”. This led people to believe that the devoted would be involved in the alliance war campaign somewhere down the line, though that obviously never happened.

It honestly feels like Blizzard had originally intended to do more with the sethrak.

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For what it’s worth, the abomination soulbind Emeni in Maldraxxus used to be a sethrak in life. But outside of that, we see no sethrak at the moment no.

They use the female Worgen animation rig, and all other allied races reuse rigs.

Combined with the fact that Vulpera were all but guaranteed, and no one could imagine them actually inflicting the travesty that is mechagnomes on the player base, it seemed like a fairly reasonable assumption that something would happen to put the Sethrak on the Alliance’s side to balance them.