On my character:
Rampage costs 80 rage = 2221 dmg
Slam costs 20 rage = 278 dmg
Bloodthirst = 516 dmg + rage generation + healing
Raging blow = 562 dmg + more rage generation
Whirlwind = 243 dmg per target + some rage generation + cleave buff
You are basically spending 20 rage to do very slightly more dmg to a single target than Whirlwind with no rage generation or cleave buff.
Am I missing something? Who would spend rage on slam? Why would you waste a global on it?
It seems that they unpruned it for the sake of it, but to make it easier to balance just made it useless. And I’m finding this is a common theme with a lot of unpruned abilities.
Same point as SMF. You liked Classic, so have some pointless RP.
No, it doesn’t go in Fury’s rotation. It’s not suppose to. Fury’s rotation was fine and doesn’t have room to have more things wedged in. The unpruned abilities are either highly specialized, open world utility, or pure flavor.
Ignore Pain for Arms and Fury is a specialized ability. It costs a lot of Rage that would otherwise fuel offensive abilities, especially for Fury, but under the right circumstances it might be worth it. Shield Block is open world utility, for when you’re just a little too squishy to handle that elite mob and need to throw on a shield and wear it down. Slam is pure flavor. It exists because it’s a universal Warrior ability and having it still there in the spellbook makes some people happy.
So the point is to give it to prot then? I dont’ play prot so I’m not sure if it has a purpose for them.
No, Prot doesn’t use it either. The point is that it has no point. A lowbie Warrior will use Slam because that’s all they have. Then when you pick a spec, Arms will keep using it while Fury and Prot will graduate into other abilities. But now Slam gets left in the spellbook as a legacy of those early levels instead of being pruned away.
It’s not there to be used. It’s there to be a reminder that Prot and Fury are still Warriors, and all Warriors have Slam. As Drez said, it’s pretty much RP fodder. But it’s not hurting anyone being there, so who cares.
So what was even redesigned? We get shattering throw and ignore pain it seems.
Arms seemed very similar to before as well although I don’t play it as much.
If you want full rundowns on what changed, let me suggest the WoWhead guides. They’ve got links at the top of the page to various Shadowlands infodumps. But the tl;dr for Arms and Fury is that you don’t fix what isn’t broken. Their core rotations are solid and haven’t changed. There were a number of talent revisions, but that’s gilding not core substance.
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It’s a “gotcha!” ability to separate the weak from the strong. Slam and SS/SB are not supposed to be used by Fury ever. Anything that doesn’t contribute to your Rage is not worth it.
Here’s the link:
Because some people cried to blizzard that more buttons, even pointless buttons that you would never use for that spec = more fun.
Some classes are getting big meaty packages, like Warlocks and their curses. But not everyone had been as overpruned as Warlocks. Warriors are getting Ignore Pain baseline and Shattering Throw is coming back. To my eye that’s plenty, and everything else is frosting.
What is the point of Whirlwind for Prot?
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SMF is not pointless, at least for a tank. I play a prot warrior and now I don’t have to grind 2 two-handed sword anymore to switch to fury to dps.
I think people wanted more depth to their rotations
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Great. That’s not a fury benefit or problem, it’s prot.
Kind of irrelevant to how fury is designed.
There is no real “depth” to rotations, and rarely, if arguably ever, has been.
This doesn’t add depth, at all, regardless.
well it’s part of the class design. You don’t want to lock one spec behind gear (works both ways for fury and prot). People normally don’t think warrior to be a hybrid class partially due to the friction of switching spec and gear requirement. This smooth things a bit and make the overall warrior class better.
You don’t need to use it just cause it’s there
Why not.
I’m not playing a prot warrior, I’m playing a fury warrior. Why should anything to do with prot affect me.
That’s not what a hybrid class is.
Why should anyone playing fury have to deal with any external factors just to satisfy someone playing a different spec.
Having an ability in your spellbook doesn’t mean you have to use it. It’s a system design choice meant to reinforce class identity through a set of shared abilities, which are segregated in your spellbook from the distinct specialization abilities.
It’s an RP thing. You don’t need to force slam into your rotation. You don’t even need to put it on your hotbar. Don’t worry, I won’t rat you out to the other warriors if you don’t.