What is the obstacle in bringing back the WoD pvp system?

WoD had the best pvp and scaling system without pvp stats or any other problem that the devs claim today and today we have 2 separate modes via an open world pvp on / off button. if that displeased pve players, they can simply get out of warmode which, of course, was not made for those who just like pve.


Its simply not their design philosophy anymore

I have a few ideas. Cant say any are true but one of them is probably likely.

  1. Blizz wants people forced into all content so they must invest more time and likely hold subs longer.
  2. Blizz does not want PVE players being at a disadvantage to PVP players.
    as PVE players are the majority of their base they want them to feel viable in PVP. If having inflated gear from the PVE side is the only way to make that happen so be it. They really dont care if that is disrespectful to the pvp community because a larger % of their revenue comes from PVE.
  3. They really just dont care about PVP at all and view it as a mini game where balance is not really relevant or worth their resource investement.

Oh really? so why their “design philosophy” makes so many ppl unhappy with the systems we have today

The obstacle is that PvErs get the sads when their dragon sword doesn’t give them an advantage in PvP.


i think they are just being dumbs because they already have systems that solve these problems and just dont use’em and yes they can make pve and pvp players happy and have more subs from each type of player.

admitting they’re wrong is legit the only obstacle

so we’re likely stuck with a horrendous gearing system for an entire expansion again.

if they don’t announce fixes today or tomorrow, there’s no hope for PVP and I’ll promptly give up all my plans to play alts and remain a PVE goon.

Sure … but that would require more effort. When a company wants nearly 100% of what resource they have to go to PVE the other gets written off.

I suspect the reason is financial. Its a continuous grind, and keeps you playing which equals more sub time. The answer is to unsub and not play. They worship money, not good game desgn so the way to speak their language is to not give them money. Though with their incompetence, even when they try to figure out why they’re losing money, they’ll probably assume it has something to do with PVE.


Agree 100%!!! its about money n most players happiness (just pvers ,because they never cared about pvp after WoD)

Valdorian, None of those systems matter.

  1. Tokens cost $20
  2. Most Mythic +15’s cost the equivalent of 1 token.
  3. Raids, depending on time during patch cost 2-3 tokens (sometimes 5-7).
  4. Still needing PvE gear keeps a token aka “Spending $20” relevant to PvPer’s.

Something i had not initially considered.
While i dont think PVP was neglected because of this i do think that it could be a very valid reason why it dosent get fixed. Curious how much they actually make. Many of the top PVPers are also in cutting edge guilds.
Im sure if a factor for the more casual pvper.