Safe to say Shadowlands is the third worst expansion?

Do we apply that logic to FF14 where the first launch was bad but because they didn’t quite finish that out we can’t judge it?

This is a dumb line of logic. If something is bad now, it’s bad now. Not acknowledging problems is what led the devs to have egos the size of Russia and allowed them to basically harass anyone they felt like.

Nah, we can certainly judge it from where it stands currently. If it changes, then my opinion of it will as well. But until it does, this is what it is.

Why would that matter? It’s supposed to be enjoyable and it isn’t. On any level.

Nope. It’s #1 to me. I enjoyed Warlords, even with the lack of end game. I loved my garrisons and the zones and treasures.

BfA I thought would be the worst. But at least I was still on Azeroth.

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Systemlands is on pace to beat out BFA as the worst. BFA is hard to beat out as WoD is a worthy challenger though!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I guess I could dig up some anti-WoD pvp posts if I looked hard enough, because nobody will ever universally agree on what makes a WoW system “good”, but the arena forum doesn’t give me the impression that it was hated by the majority.

Shadowlands has a lot of problems but overall I’m having a good time honestly.

Shadowlands caused me to quit retail. WoD did not, Legion did not, Cata did not, so I definitely consider it the worst.


None of those posts even agree with you but the one WoD one.

Saying 9.0 and 9.1 hearings are bad isn’t agreeing that WoD was good.

Also if they lack a 2200 achievement in any bracket they don’t really have a valid opinion. As far as I am concerned.

Your reply is confusing to me. Did you even mean to include me in that? Because it doesn’t much line up with anything I’ve said.

That was directed towards the other person. No idea why it quoted you. Apologies.

I removed your quote.

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Safe to say the worst!

Didn’t play before Mists… so not qualified on that. I keep poking my nose in …but

I am no longer confused! Thank you! And no worries. These forums do weird things. lol

I would say it is the worst expansion.

MoP was the best expansion.


The biggest problem of this expansion is that the convenience is at a point where the content becomes trivial and the Developers can’t change it or players scream bloody murder.

Being able to switch specs instantly with no consequences has been the worst change for the game overtime than even flying. It’s the ultimate borrowed power that people will scream murder if the game dares to put barriers in the way.

Personally I think Shadowlands takes the cake on the coalescence of Blizzard’s failures.
The numbers say Shadowlands is the worst followed by WoD and then BfA, but I still think BfA was worse than WoD. WoD atleast had nice PvP imo.


I find both BfA and Legion to be vastly superior to SL. At least so far anyways. 9.0 was really bad. 9.1 didn’t improve enough. 9.1.5 is how SL should have launched so almost a year after launch we’re getting the true launch.

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In terms of intial sale this isn’t true. SL was a huge sale for Blizz.

But in terms of retention…ya they dropped the ball hard.

We don’t have the numbers but when BBC, Forbes, Kotaku, PCGamer, and IGN all write pieces about you losing players, despite not giving the numbers, you’re probably losing players.


It’s also not saying that the majority of pvp’ers think WoD was the worst. Again, I don’t get that impression from the arena forums. To your credit, I don’t spend much time there, because WoW’s pvp community can be pretty terrible. Speaking of:

This is why the pvp community stays on life support, even when WoW’s pvp is halfway decent.

Say what? MOP was one of the best expansions, probably 2nd behind Wrath. And I say this as someone who was fervently anti-Panda.

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