What is the number 1# thing that made you quit? or makes you at the verge of quitting?

I tried to give night fae a chance but I hated the ability. Its too easily telegraphed so using it in bgs was a waste. Using it dungeons was a waste since tanks just love moving stuff out of aoes. Have the same issues on my dk when I drop dnd. Then the 3 minute cd basically made it to where I just stopped using it cause I forgot it existed. I wasn’t happy with it. Same with my druids. I just wasn’t a fan of convoke the spirits. Which is why my druids are split between kyrian on my resto, venthyr on my bear and necrolord on my feral and balance.


The game is getting the players it deserves. Blizzard chased off so many more benevolent players from WoD through now.


Lots of hours spent for absolutely no rewarding loot.

I’m in the same boat, I have a Havoc DH and a Warlock both classes Bliz screwed into uselessness I don’t want to level another toon to be competitive. Bliz has this take it or leave it attitude under these new developers and I chose to leave it and not pay for something that angers me. We put our time and care into these toons for many years then blizzard with one mouse click destroys them, then acts like were complaining for no reason. I cant wait till another good MMO comes out

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Haven’t been pushed that far yet, but if I were it’d probably have to do with the cash shop, tokens, and tolerance for carries. It’s all gradually tearing the game up, pushing it ever closer to those cursed mobile MMOs where people “whale” by dumping obscene amounts of cash, and I’m not about it at all.


^^^^That’s what I see happening, and it’s become really bad with SL. WOD was a blast for me…Shadowlands is the pits for me. WOW used to have a good balance for all types of players. Not any more! Raid or ‘don’t let the door hit ya on your back-side on the way out the door’! I’m bummed, bored and disappointed in what WOW has turned in to. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I came to the realization that I dislike MMOs that rely too much on co-op gameplay. I still like MMOs for the shared world, meeting new people, but having to coordinate with others in gameplay and schedule playtime is too much.

I’m the type of person who hops into a game plays the hell out of it for a couple weeks beating all the content then I move on to the next one. Can’t do this with WoW, you need to find a team, then you need to schedule, and most people are only going to raid a couple days for a few hours a week. Plus there is no guarantee those will even be good enough to do the content at a reasonable pace. WoW just doesn’t respect my time. Don’t even get me started on trying to form a m+ group.

I think for me currently it’s the overall community.

I like the game itself, and there are a good number of great people still here thankfully, but overall, it’s gotten to the point where you can make a mistake and get flamed for it harder than your average League of Legends match.

Great game, but the community has nose-dived to near MOBA quality. It makes it hard to want to try to push to get better.

You would think you’d check the server after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th + time it happens to you?

This ridiculous loot system.

My community is my guild. I do group content with them. I played the game by myself or with my wife the rest of the time, shy of the world boss and quests that require multiple people.

There’s absolutely no reason we can’t have reasonable content and proper reward structures for both solo and group content. Heck, they added a decent solo progression structure with Torghast, it just comes with absolutely nothing worthwhile attached to it (unless you care about mounting in the maw).

MMO to me doesn’t mean groups, it just means I see and interact with other people online.


Good point. They did the same thing they do with the classes. Instead of a few minor nerfs and buffs to even things out, they just pull out the old trusty sledhehammer and destroy whatever they percieve as a problem.

Minor adjustments to some if the problems in BFA would have been enough. If course we would still have 4 tiny islands for content…

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They mentioned renown. In all likelihood it will require a list of achievements, as it always does.

The “sense of community” devs seem to be supporting is players trolling other players for fun and profit.


The fact that they expect me to pay both a once of fee and then a subscription to play a game they then have the gall to tell me come back next week to continue any meaningful progression on the story. I work 6 days a week, have a partner, kids and other commitments outside of wow, when i get time to play i shouldnt be then told oh wait another week to continue i expect to be able to play and progress as i see fit not what some guy at blizzard decides is right. Its almost as if wows a mobile game with energy at this point.

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The general lack of intelligence and toxicity of the community.


Fighting 220+ ilvl players in random bgs! No thanks, played some Guild Wars 2 again last night and I am enjoying it again, I love the combo attacks.


For me it was a combo; continuous grind that occurs; every expansion it is the same grind with a different system.

Last expansion I leveled 17-18 Alts; enjoyed the leveling more so than the end game.

This expansion; got my one main to max started into the end game story…realized I would have to do this on at least 3 more toons if I want all the stuff and 11 more toons if I want all the transmogs…just couldn’t handle it anymore. The other major thing was the fixing to level scaling to previous expansion… I enjoy soloing old stuff and blizzard still haven’t fixed the level issues when it comes to legion mythic raids and bfa content.


I’m coming back for round 2 based on a conversation me and some guild mates had last night.

I think raids are too hard.

Now, I can already hear keyboards firing up with “Git gud” typed so fast it would make your head spin, but whatever.

WoW, at its core, is (was…?) a social game. You did activities, like raid, with friends and it was nice to reasonably be able to do it all with some effort. I’m not saying there should be NO challenge, but when I need 2 different addons and 3 different weak auras per boss…it’s a bit much.

Many players, like my guild tend to end up not being challenged by Heroic after a bit, but later things in Mythic are a monumental spike. A lot of things are very unforgiving and 1 player being slightly worse than the other 19 means the whole encounter is a wash. This means that every time someone messes up, it’s a hard mess up leading to people starting to resent each other because - hey - everyone will mess up at times. It ruins a lot of the social dynamic of raiding.

I have people that I love and have played with a long time, but they are not as good of players so I never want to raid with them. That’s not great? The ONLY reason I still play this game is because of my Guild. Full stop, the day my guild leader decides to quit I am right behind him. The social aspect keeps me here, but it’s being ruined.

I get it. WoW is an Esport now (For some reason) and everything needs to be a spectacle, and Blizz needs to make sure top guilds are occupied for a few days/weeks to keep twitch numbers up - but once they’ve gone through and time goes on they should continue to implement dampening effects so that content becomes more and more accessible to groups who just wanna have a funky good time. (They would be optional so those who wanna say they did it without still can)

I’ve probably explained this poorly, so please spare me your “That’s what normal and heroic are for!” responses.


Was leveling an alt the other day and I started thinking about all of that and I just logged out tbh. Went back on the main and just wrote it off as something id do later in the expansion cycle.


Everything in the game is a predetermined path that you are forced to GRIND your way down. Then you get bored with not being able to have fun, explore, and play with friends because the game has turned into an elitest meta s***storm and you get left behind so fast that nobody wants to play with you. So you bite the bullet and grind until one day you realize you hate it and quit.

Its not an mmorpg anymore. Nobody levels beause they just buy the boost. Then everyone can fotm reroll to get glad or mythic down and player agency is to the wind. Community isn’t there.

Everything about the game is built for quick cash and casuals.

Solution? Wipe all characters and make retail in the spirit of classic. So we can have a damn mmorpg again.