What is the number 1# thing that made you quit? or makes you at the verge of quitting?

Personally it’s the lack of changes we get per week, We only get bug fixes most of the time and no real gameplay changes with how pvp is busted right now. (The pvp nerfs are not enough or took way too much time like wtf?, Paladins WoG obviously need a 50-60% nerf, WIngs nerfed by 50% and much more.). Also i just realised this but blizzard just have to make a fake account and ask the community what is wrong with the game and you get all the answers. Eh idk what to say anymore. come on blizzard.

Edit 1: and i got reported for trolling…? sigh the purpose of this post is to let the community speaks of their problems they are having with shadowlands and why they are losing interest in the game with feedbacks so blizzard can fix the main problems with shadowlands. As for exemple, the main thing i see is a lot of players are saying in this post, that the game is really not rewarding for the time we spent.


I don’t know, expansion is just boring to me, that’s about it.


Tedious and unrewarding content designed for people other then myself. The final kicker was that (as a collector) I was going to have to repeat this tedium 3 more times to get a few mounts, pets, and tmogs.


Catering to GD.


Lack of menaingful rewards.
The Anima drought is joke that could come from chorgast in huge numbers for doing that boring content.
Ion scripted QA videos and the countless dumb answers and skipped issues that should be talked about.
Blizzard silence.
I could go on but I don’t want to spend 24 hours writing all this up.

Art team 100% the best
Music Team 100% on top
Story Crptastic as usual.


Just one thing? Hmm :thinking: how to make the largest overlapping one thing possible. :bulb:

Lack of rewarding content. :slight_smile:


Busted pvp and Torghast are making me consider quitting. This might be my last week.


I notice that I take breaks more when the content gets dry. Like long time between patch releases, or patch releases just not being very fun. I also tend to take breaks for other games. I haven’t taken a break for another MMO since Wildstar, tho.


Pathfinder is the reason I quit the last 2 expacs. If they release details on pathfinder for this expacs and it’s ridonkulous or there will be no flying…l will probably quit again.


The thought of having to go Horde


Grinda rewarding more grinds, that reward yet more grinds, that finally reward something other than a grind. That and less gear in addition to less player agency makes for a very frustrating loot treadmill. All of which leads to quick burn out.


It’s going to be available in patch 9.1, with just doing the main story (unclear on the side quest ones)… reaching a certain level of renown… and explore the zones.

No flight whistle (a great QOL improvement pre-flying), the maw, the great vault, torghast, and most especially the loot system and general lack of reward just makes the game generally unfun to log in.

But the absolute worst part of it all is blizz’s radio silence.

  • M

For me its simple… Time. I feel like this game goes out of its way to waste my time. When I get to the breaking point where I feel my time is not worth the effort I will quit. Not there yet, but its coming.


For me it’ll be running out of gear progression that I find enjoyable.

I’m not a huge fan of how M+ is designed, and I’m okay with not running it but it does leave me needing something to gear up on.

What I don’t want is a return to running a bunch of super easy things over and over again in the hopes that the stars align with titanforging. I was kind of hoping they would use Horrific Visions as a template for Torhgast being a fourth pathway to higher end gear in the game.

Otherwise I might see how long PvP keeps me interested. I haven’t done it in a while.

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Covenant balance and how you have to be Night fae if you wanna preform at the top lvl of m+ and raiding. Or kyrian if you even wanna dream of being gladiator/rank 1 as a hunter. i think its stupid that covenants cant just be balanced around all content, and then 2 other covenants are not even picked, because they are so bad. being a venthyr hunter is like playing without a covenant ability lol.


Totally agree, They should have made the move to make convenant abilities to talents, and make convenant cosmestics. And blizzard need to do something one day because right now there’s no excuse to be that blind to see which is meta and which is not with convenant.


The game just sucks horribly. Nothing feels worth doing. Horrible rewards. Extremely punishing dungeons and raids. Unbalanced classes and covenants. Horrible grinds of Torghast and maw rep. Just a terrible time.


We still haven’t heard anything concrete. I don’t trust Blizzard at this point. Their radio silence on pretty much everything doesn’t inspire confidence either. I’m chugging along hoping for the best but waiting for the other shoe to fall.


Yet they tried really, really hard to force that to the forefront. Why would you put so much effort into promoting one of the most unpopular parts of the game?