What is the most hated race?

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Night Elf’s. i cant stand them.

to be an uprisings needs higher than 3’0" and more than 50

For me it’s female belves.
Second place it’s male belves.
So yeah, belves.

But in my case, it’s because the most toxic people I met in game were playing belves.

Ask a Horde player and they’ll probably say blood elf or vulpera.

Ask an Alliance player and the answer will probably be mechagnome.

Vulpera. Removing the purge squad was a mistake. They were our saviors.

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Mecha Gnomes, the only reason I unlocked them was to get Asya to shut up and stop bothering every one of my Alliance characters to go check out the embassy, otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered
 I really do not like them.


I never see people playing darkspear trolls anymore. Is it hate? Is it lack of interest due to their non-polio-ridden cousins being introduced?

One may never know

(I hate humans in fantasy games, wow humans are no exception)

Hmm most hated huh? Goblins, followed by humans as come on humans ruin everything at some point and goblins would do anything for money.

everyone is delusional the most hated is male orc, which is why you all set there hunch preference to upright lmao

I have three that I’m still getting to 70 :dracthyr_heart:. I don’t like how Zandalari always look so angry

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Humans, not the in game race I mean actual Humans. Cause when you get ganked in game it’s not the avatar pulling the strings.

Pandarians. Kung fu panda rip offs.

Personally I hate Mechagnomes, Draenei, Night Elves, female Dwarves, and Goblins

Hey, goblins are my favorite :frowning:

I don’t see too many female orcs around, regular or mag’har. No sure if it’s hatred or just not preferred.

The mecha gnomes are cyborgs, part flesh, part artificial. I actually believe they would have been more popular if they were purely robotic.


I despise orcs, that’s probably a big part of why i hated WoD, it was just one big orc-fest.

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They, like forsaken, are interesting for their transhuman implications and narrative potential. But that might be pretty heady for a game like WoW. Aesthetically the mechagnomes don’t bring much to the table I think, unfortunately.

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It’s either Vulpera or Worgen
 I see them get more hate than any other.