What is the most hated race?

I would guess void elves. They gave the alliance a cool blood elf model race with some really nice hair options, but at the same time they are not high elves. So we will see people on both sides dislike them for something.


Dracs. Wasted opportunity.

Due to the weak flying which btw ion is gliding, you are just bad at your job and this again shows that they don’t even know the meaning of a fantasy game…


Just vermin. Like those little rats you see scurrying around in the dark corners

Their whole recuitement into the horde was just them being like “See? See?! We can do useful things!!”

Dracthyr were a huge let down :-1:


I think Dracthyr were bound to be disappointing because they’re based on the bad*ss dragons we’ve had since vanilla.

There was no way they’d live up to real dragons

I thought they fixed the gnome weapon bug but thank you for showing me they didn’t

Visually, I’d wager Mechagnomes would win a poll for ugliest race.

Popularity, something like Male Draenei might be pretty low. Like, just in terms of amount of people playing them. Mechagnomes at least have the strongest Racial (even if Racials really don’t matter much, there will always be people deadset on only picking the best option).

Yeah Blizzards camera man has a contract so they can’t fire him even though he takes pictures from horrible angles :frowning:

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Probably Dracthyr because they aren’t like the drakonids or whatever


For me personally, Vulpera. They just keep adding races to the Horde that makes me think of them like the animal pens at the local county fair.

:hammer: :fox_face: :skull_and_crossbones::scarf:


Well the Horde are furries…

I barely ever see anyone play Kul’tiran.

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Oh… Fuzz… this is awkward

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If you mean personally, the answer is elves and all their unnecessary flavors.

If you mean by actual played population numbers, probably mechagnomes.

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Human- you’re jealous of my boogie

You should really blow your nose once in a while. Boogies are gross

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I think this thread has shown that some races are just loved… Dwarf, Orc, Troll… good work kings