In the past I’ve been in guilds that use the Loot Council system where you might not get a piece of gear for months…or even ever. Most of the gear goes to their close friends and you only get the table scraps after their friends are geared out. I’ve been in guilds with Soft Reserve systems that only want you to Soft Reserve the things they don’t want, and those guilds never let you roll on unreserved legendary drops, etc… I’ve been in guilds with DKP that say you can roll on anything you can afford…unless an officer, close friend, or guild master wants it first of course. In your opinion what is the most fair looting system that you’ve seen and why?
Mild take: The most fair system (to me) is the one that’s applied consistently.
Whatever loot method is chosen should be what is used. Each method has pros and cons, and each one will be better for differently mined groups.
You have two types of loot systems with different names and ways to use them.
They are the following:
- Performance based
- Luck based
Terrible players always prefer number 2. They raid log, dont contribute to guild, barely show up consumed, parse terribly and never care to improve. But get to roll on the best stuff.
I’ve always found this topic to be interesting because when our guild really flourished (2006-2009) we ran into this problem. Which system should we use and what would be the most fair ? We went with Zero Sum, and no it wasn’t perfect either. I don’t hear it mentioned anymore either.
Why shouldnt they, everyone helps down the boss and clearly the group doesnt need the gear to progress the content
Because people who tend to perform average to high tend to prefer performance based rewards, its only low performers who usually want things like /roll
IDK why people overcomplicate loot in a game that you can clear the raid in greens. Just roll on items using the default system. No one needs to gear up characters in a specific order to progress
Bosses have 0-2 mechanics and the entirety of three classic raids can be explained in the amount of time of a mythic raid boss
And for the post above, I parse pink in groups of people who parse gray - pink. I don’t care if the gray parser wins the loot because he put in just as much time as I did and we killed the boss ¯_(ツ)_/¯
if those players are so bad then why are you taking them in the first place? seems pretty silly to not gear up the people who need it most. i mean i guess in a pug i could see this being an issue but any guild halfway serious about raid progression should be gearing up the weakest links in their roster prioritizing tanks first, healers second, and dps last. its not hard to tell who is serious and who is just f-ing around.
performance honestly isnt relative in this conversation. if you consistently only gear the people who are performing, then people who actually need the gear will never get it.
outside of prioritizing tanks and healers for the first few lock outs i have always been happy with ms/os rolling and SR rolling incentivizes me to put the SR’s on gear i actually need instead of rolling on gear because its opportunistic.
just my opinion, im not a sweaty hardcore raider but it is what it is. constantly seeing loot drama these days over crap like this saying people arent performing. warcraftlogs parsing has been the worst and most toxic trait in classic that didnt exist in vanilla.
Only in wow do people expect to compensate the mid and bottom tier performers as equals. In no other competitive area do humans do that.
Exactly they will grey parse either way don’t give them the loot
So it should be easy to not grey parse
Tell that to people who showed up with douses on week 1, that the 58 in greens deserves onslaught girdle cause he showed up on time lmao
The most fair system is personal loot. If you luck out on a good item, no one can take it away from you. If you don’t need it, you can give it to another player who needs it.
Based on what are you concluding that the least contributing member needs the item most over others?
Its wild we’ve come full circle from “everyone hates personal loot” to “maybe it was good”.
It should be but if the boss dies easily I don’t really care. Again, the point of distributing loot is when the boss fights are actually a challenge. Wow classic raids are very casual, and I would fully expect people to not care about min maxing and parsing. I like parsing, but I also don’t want to be in a group of 30 warriors because it’s really not that serious.
If you have a 58 in greens you needed them just as much as someone who farmed rep. It is what it is. They deserve loot just as much as I do, just like when you run a dungeon. Wow classic raids are just a big dungeon requiring minimal effort to clear.
I don’t want to sit there for 30 minutes while the loot is distributed. Just roll and move on with your life
People would try and funnel me loot in raids and I refused it. I don’t want all the gear on week 1 because then I have nothing to do and it’s boring to raid because I have no loot to look forward to
you can interpret it like that but, no, im not implying the least contributing members get all the loot. im saying they get the same chance as everyone else.
underperforming =/= not contributing
This actually doesn’t matter either way, if the fights are challenging then you can assume everyone is of a similar skill level and the raid dps is increased the same by giving the item to someones, in classic items should be rewards for who contributes the most to the group.
This is objectively false, unless you’re a healer at 58 you are barely doing anything and are just being brought for a buff most likely. And no, putting salve on people isn’t contributing as much as having a douse.
Even holding the loot to the end takes like 10m max, but good groups do it as they go
If loot is what you raid for vanilla is not your game
True, but they are very close
This sums up this whole discourse.
Do you as a player look at your raid as a cooperative effort or as a competition? Different loot systems fit these different interpretations.
Without terrible players paying and playing the version of the game you enjoy the most will die. That goes for any MMORPG.
They are not mutually exclusive.
In sports, do team owners pay all players the same salary, or are contracts performance based? Does the team not still operate cooperatively during games to achieve a shared goal?