WoW Classic isn’t the NFL, NHL, MLB, or NBA as much as you think it is. We aren’t getting paid to play this game. Customers are paying a corporation a box price and monthly subscription to have fun in a video game.
Cool reply that provides absolutely no value to the discussion.
Wth are you even talking about.
So far your two contributions to this discussion have been useless.
Yes, that’s accurate for sports.
In sports do contracts and salary’s get renegotiated after player performance in every game? Because that would be closer to awarding boss loot in WoW.
So to be clear, your stance is that Cooperative Gameplay and Competition are Mutually Exclusive in wow?
And for everyone else, you can see that my original post is clearly correct.
The lowest contributing players are the ones who prefer the luck based loot systems. You will also notice those players are also guild hoppers.
GDKP is the fairest system. Top performers have more gold because they sweat harder. The more you play the game, the more gold you get, the more gear you get.
Anything but loot council. I won’t deal with that anymore.
My classic guild used EPGP where your points decayed every week at a set % if you didn’t spend them. This allowed you to save up but it costed you more as time went on. Loot had fixed prices too which prevented any bidding up drama. The really hot ticket items were loot council which worked really well as players could submit their requests of gear (still charging the player).
What helped is we had a generally very strong group of class leaders. There were very few complaints and we all got geared AF from MC through KT.
Strengths: moderately low drama (we had almost none); players can either bottom feed or save up, but they aren’t significantly punished for taking gear or saving.
Weakness: Possibly corrupt loot council (which I didn’t experience); new raiders had really high EPGP ratios, so we prevented them from taking gear over other raiders for the first few weeks.
DKP is designed to be the fairest.
My guild did DKP+LC until TBC, then swapped to LC. During mid TBC we started using thatsmybis to list what items we wanted in what order to make it easier for the LC to decide.
The only down side of pure LC is it often doesn’t account for the player desires. I spent a lot of my points on gear for PvP which I never used in raids, and it was great. Yet I still slapped on fights, sometimes pulling >1000 dps. LC’s can be overly strict about awarding only “what is best for the raid.” But truthfully the best thing for a raid is when you don’t lose your raiders.
Now of course if your raid is filled with like-minded people that purely chase parses a bis system would be very effective.
Yea that’s true. My guild handled loot perfectly. I think the only thing that got squabbles the entire time I was there were the leather legs off yogg. Because they were just so much better than the alternative.
Idk why I said c’thun. I’m trippin
GDKP, because it uses a universally useful DKP system that gives player agency, and rewards everybody for participation.
Long-term Permanent Guild Members only
I think the Onslaught loot system is quite good too, but requires a fair deal of effort upfront from all participants, and of course works best if people show up to raid regularly and consistently.
I’ve noted GDKP as pug-friendly, but the system works fine for both, whereas many/most guild-centric systems don’t play that nicely with fill-ins, and just don’t work for a PuG raid.
I guess someone can always HR someone else’s personal loot.
The best system is 2 sr than MS/OS +1 people can all feel like they have a shot at gear and its fair…my 58 ret got invited to MC because the group needed pally buffs and my SR was the crown off rag and no one else set that as thier SR it dropped i won now im a preety princess ret pally
Performance/Merit based Loot council.
If you contribute more to the guild, come prepared and perform then you should be chose for loot over people who don’t do anything other then show up to the raid and gray parse.
Found the underperforming player
define fair.
DKP is fair and I realistically challenge people to prove me wrong.
There are lots of bad guilds/pugs and no loot system will fix that, so the key for a good fair loot system is first to have a good guild/pug you are raiding with, however assuming you have a good guild.
For progression guilds, probably the best loot system is a well run loot council, it makes sure that the gear is spread around the raid boosting the overall raid, but where key items go to top performers where they will actually make use of the item. It makes sure new members still get gear, but that people who have been around and which are likely to stay will be rewarded.
For casual guilds, the loot systems are less meaningful, but probably some of the better loot systems are MS/OS, SR or Suicide Kings. These allow people to gear up easily in a low maintenance system. These systems make sure most gear goes out, but it wont push gear to necessarily help the raid.
For pugs, probably the best is GDKP, simply because it provides a benefit for geared competent players to both lead as well as join the raids to help carry lesser geared and often weaker players. That said other loot systems also work.
Ultimately you want to find a guild that fits your playstyle and one that runs with a consistent group of people, finding a group of people you enjoy raiding with will in the long run outweighs any loot you get. If your going to grey parse, join a guild thats ok with that, and if you want to be sweaty find a guild with others like you.