What is the most evil?

AU draenor orcs.

they weren’t corrupted
they weren’t manipulated
they weren’t coerced
They weren’t provoked

they simply decided to commit genocide and invade alternate realities for the fun of it.

You monster.

Actually they were. Garrosh convinced them that the draenei were enemies of their ancestors or something. I don’t recall exactly but he orchestrated a bunch of stuff to form the “Iron Horde”

Albert Camus

Pineapple on pizza and Phil from shipping.



yeah, isn’t that the truth - and unfortunately there isn’t enough shades of grey

OP, you’re a character named Comcast, so you win.

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How did you know what I was eating for dinner tonight?

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Another turtle made it to the water!

Yeah but the left wants things like “a decent minimum wage” and that’s worse.

Phil from shipping told me. (lol)



why would they who get their power from such people do anything to better their situation? I used to think like that too.


/loads rifle

Guess it’s time to Phil him with lead

I’ll see myself out now


If the liberals actually delivered on anything they promised, their party would be dead within a couple of years.

Gotta stoke that outrage and keep the base fired up.


Anyone who dedicates themselves blindly to one cosmic power and sees it as ‘perfect’/‘can do no wrong’. Along with that entire zealot mentality in general.

My other answer is Deathwing/Garrosh/Garithos.


Every heathen savage that by order of foul Orc and rotting knife-ear trod good Gilnean soil in search of conquest.
An evil such that meseems death therefor would be too kind.

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My first WoW character ever was a Worgen, and my first quests were in Gilneas. It remains my favorite kingdom.

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The thing is, if you chose death, at least it’s fair. :wink:

For the dark lady

Nola… Jailer is a close second…