Hurting and betraying animals that trust/love you
It’s my sole wish that we one day get to kill Abby Lewis for what she did in Drustvar. Pure evil.
Hurting and betraying animals that trust/love you
It’s my sole wish that we one day get to kill Abby Lewis for what she did in Drustvar. Pure evil.
the humans obviously are the most evil lol
I dunno about most evil but there’s this one hunter who goes around literally trying to subjugate other hunters and make them look like bad players while said person can’t even get purple parses. Do players count? No one likes spirit hunters anyway.
as for in game? prolly sargeras imo like he tried to destroy the entire planet on his way out
Sadism is true evil.
Did someone say those creepy pentagram kids in Elwynn Forest? Cause those creepy pentagram kids in Elwynn Forest.
And I will now be sleeping with my lights on tonight, thankyouverymuch.
Need to know my competition.
The current WoW management team.
Maybe they aren’t exactly evil…perhaps they just have a “skills” issue.
I don’t know about the most evil but i hate “Evil for the sake of evil” characters, they are so Saturday morning cartoon shallow. if we are going to have big bads at least give a reasonable explanation why they are unhinged
I actually really love the voice acting harpies got in Legion.
I feel as though Azshara should be taken into consideration. Her entire existence is an exercise in pure selfishness and vanity. She is partially responsible for the Burning Legion’s first invasion, for the power offered, made a pact with an Old God, to preserve her power and gain more. She has issued cruel and extreme acts against those who disagree with her. No amount of adversity or hardship deters her haughty attitude. She has never shown compassion or remorse.
It is likely that to her all that exists and doesn’t provide her power is only there to serve her, and nothing short of death will change that. For that, her conscious disregard for anything not pertaining to her, her constant selfish plays for power for power’s sake, she is one of the greater examples of evil. She could be one of Warcraft’s greatest villains, given good enough writing.
I can see that.
Blood Elves…
Old gods, they are described in game as the true enemy, you can befriend and understand demons,spirits and elementals but the void only sees mortals as food unless they also use void.
So while beings of the void will talk with you if you are a void user, it doesnt guarantee peace and its a high cost of entry just to bridge the conversation barrier with the risk of insainity and falling under the sway of the old gods.
Its the truly only magic that can be consider insideous be default.
Anyone who my faction labels as an Enemy. They’re all the greatest evils in the world.
Being denied by an outside force to have the ability to make an impact on this world through the execution of several racial leaders for the benefit of both factions.
You get a like for making me chuckle, cheers.
Garrosh, Sylvanas, most Ogres, people like Commander Belmont and Lord Garithos…i’d raise my first to’em
The players.
We halted N’zoths plans to stop the Jailer.