the inquisitor from SM:GY.
WE are the most evil character in wow. We will do just about anything for that next piece of gear.
From picking up fresh poop, to burning down trees, killing prisoners, using chemical/biological weapons, killing innocent baby turtles, just to name a few.
Goats. Look into those dead eyes and tell me they aren’t evil.
Draenei can be a close second due to their goatiness. And the whole ‘kill everything that’s not light.’
cleaning the environment
getting rid of overgrowth
cleaning the environment
cleaning the environment
Ah yes, the faction of elves that splintered off after the eastern kingdoms taxed them into oblivion so they form a constitution where they can be recognized as denizens of the west and fight for freedom ah pah pah pah pah pah pah stroaks non existent undead mustache
Can we be sure they were innocent? I’ve never met a baby turtle that wasn’t menacingly plotting something.
You want to further empower a Marie Sue.
It turned her husband into a flimsy damsel in distress.
Can you prove those menacing evil plots, or are they supposed? Or have you never met a baby turtle, therefore making your statement technically true?
Gnomes, followed by Lightforged Draenei, followed by the Void, followed by Jaina Proudmoore.
I don’t care what anyone says, people falling will always be funny
As well as embarrassing photos taken of someone during their high School Days.
Blood elf warlocks . . . Most of em seem on par with Gul’dan in terms of wickedness and ten times as narcissistic / vain.
Also I’d say Sylvanas and the jailor are evil . . . also the Burning Legion . . . basically anyone who condones or commits genocide.
Can we be sure they were innocent? I’ve never met a baby turtle that wasn’t menacingly plotting something.
This proves my point. YOU ALL are EVIL!!!
Helms that hide my hair.
In your opinion what “evil” is the most evil in wow.
When you /wave at someone on the opposite faction when questing and they kill you anyway.
Hey now. Hey. Hey. Hold on now. Wait just a second there.
Would you like to try some of this turtle soup before you decide that?
Giant trees. They’re always infested with something like beetles or night elves.
Killing baby turtles is just part of balancing nature. Something had to be done after we saved too many baby turtles. The ecosystem is very delicate and as a druid, I am duty bound to control the population ratios of baby turtle to hungry crabs and vicious gulls. It’s not all world ending threats, someone has to do the dirty work
Your light has nothing on Elune.
In your opinion what “evil” is the most evil in wow.
Me, the other day I stole a entire jar of cookies off Grumbles
Giant trees. They’re always infested with something like beetles or night elves.
You have no idea what lurks inside your mailbox