What is the Most Beautiful Place 🌼 in Classic WoW? (For Epic Screenshots)

A bit biased here as a Druid, but I’ve always seen Moonglade as this pretty and relaxing place to hang out at… on my retail server back in the day, it was a place of unspoken peace between the Druid faction- everyone chilled, emoted and said hi, and treated each other with respect. It was a place we could all remove ourselves from the faction conflict and reflect.

Every time I teleport back to it, it reminds me of that, how despite being from different factions and races that we could come together and be chill- it was all of ours’ home.

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The forums.

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Inner maraudon.


Is that the part of Maraudon after the waterfalls?
Where the big mama and big crocodile live?

I think the company you have with you can make anyplace quite beautiful.
For eg. I think thorium point is quite gorgeous when there are lifeless horde bodies strewn about.

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I always liked the look of Feralas and Winterspring.

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Most zones feel pretty nifty. I don’t care much for Silithis. The Badlands and Blasted Lands are pretty boring, too. I absolutely hate questing in Stonetalon, however.

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I like Stonetalon a lot. Probably because i never had to quest there, and only see that place while running to the Desolace :smiley:

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Any alliance controlled zone. They don’t smell like orc feces.

Lesser known places like the waterfall in southeastern redridge, so comfy.
The dwarven face fountains ath the edge of wetlands are awesome
South beach in Tanaris is serene.

Nef’s Throne. With me sitting on it, of course


Alliance graveyard in WSG.


The cave of crystals near the flight master in Un’Goro Crater is a really cool and beautiful place. Check it out!

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3 year necro, but its a wholesome post so im cool with it lol

Teldrassil is hard for me to pass up as far as good looking zones. But I have always been a sucker for the elven forest look.

If you’re up for an adventure and some climbing it’s hard to beat Mount Hyjal imo

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Hinterlands was the best place in my opinion.

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The winterspring bridge where the frost giants are is pretty awesome! And some of the mountains and caves up north are cool too.

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Raven Hill


Ah yes Raven Hill Cemetery, I have a fascination with cemeteries.

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