What is the Most Beautiful Place šŸŒ¼ in Classic WoW? (For Epic Screenshots)

No, which act is it? Can you share waypoint?

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You probably mean Arathi Highlands?
I think i know what shipwrecks you meant then :slight_smile:
The Stromgarde keep is also super beautiful in that zone - only the bridges inside are a little too low for a horse to get throughā€¦ which is the only element of the structure that bothers me. Other than that - very beautiful keep!

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The Undercity Undercity, or the Ruins of Lordaeron city?
Or both above AND below?


dont ask about silithus i just find itā€¦ pleasant in an odd way

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I think it might be possible to do some really creepy screenshots there. If you line up those swarms over the character head just right ā€¦ :shiver:

i like the Desolace coast serenity

Go to Elwynn forest, turn up the volume, turn off your UI, and RP walk into SW.


Ashenvale is my fav.

BC was Nagrand

Wotlk was Sholozar Basin

Cataclysm was Elwynn because all I did was duel.

MoP was beautiful in general.

Thereā€™s a barren point of rock sticking up out of the water southwest of the savage coast, far from anything. Everything visible in the distance one way, open ocean the other way. Get a medium brown complexion human female, strip 'er down, pan the camera, screenshot away.

Master bedroom upstairs from the leatherworker, skinner, and fishing trainerā€™s house near Goldshire. 2 ladies in leather, one fisherman, one big bed. Canā€™t get them up there, but human female, strip 'er down, put her by the fireplace, on the bed, or standing on a table, pan the camera, screenshot away.

That garrison on the way to westfall. Barracks room full of bunk beds. Female human hunter had a hard day killing gnolls. Strip 'er down, put her on the bed, pan the camera, screenshot away.

An alternative to ā€˜strip ā€˜er downā€™, maybe get captain sandersā€™ shirt and have yer girl in a painted on tshirt and panties posing anywhere, pan the camera, screenshot away.

Strip 'er down, swim in a lake or river, pan the camera, screenshot away.

Pretty much all the scenery is good if you have a human or elf female in it, strip 'er down, pan the amera, screenshot away.


Most awesome part of classic launch was the crowds of people jogging in and out of stormwind bombarding each other with buffs. :slight_smile:


I loved it. Thatā€™s why I suggested Realm Timelines , if you want to experience everyone leveling up together, should be able to on a fresh realm with a fresh timeline. BUT that thread was overran by a Mob of Mean people.

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Silithus seconded.

Quiet and deserted. Like a ghost town kinda.

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Silithus is one of the best as far as deserts go. Seriously though.

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Arathi Basin :crossed_swords:

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I wonder how many people out of all the players have actually been to Silithusā€¦ Iā€™ve been playing WoW for 10 years, and i havenā€™t been there ONCE. I only have seen it on the pictures.

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Back in vanilla my go to mob grinding spot war silithus. When I had a lot of time to spare and couldnā€™t find a dungeon group Iā€™d fly there and farm the elite bugs. Found an epic drop or two along the way.

But yeah a LOT of people never seem to go there. Thatā€™ll change when AQ drops. Itā€™ll be the new BRM.


Sort of like the Blasted Lands in EK. Comparatively few players go there. Until AQ opens, the busiest thing in the zone is mining and lotus nodes. Then someday when BC is released, it will die again.

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The most beautiful place eh. I would say, beside any lotus, while tiny from nogginfogger.

Ever seen a MEGA LOTUS before?

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Anyone who has made a Robe of the Archmage has

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