What is the logic behind allowing Alliance to transfer off Horde dominated servers?

This is such an awful thought too. “We crushed an opposing group of players to the point of fleeing or quitting and now we have no one on our server for WPVP. We essentially have turned our server into hell on earth for anyone that dares rolls the opposing faction and PvE for ours.”

“Also, we didn’t do it because we’re uber leet or anything like that. It’s because we outnumbered them 4 to 1 and they had 0 chance to do anything in response.”


As much as I feel you should have the option to leave the PvP server it also means hundreds or thousands of other people who could potentially ruin a server for everybody else (including your own faction)

Because it’s a game, and there is no basis to require Alliance players to be dominated by you. They transfer or unsub or reroll. Why not stop ganking them? It is not Blizzard that is causing the problem. It’s Horde PvP players that have caused this problem.


You clearly didn’t read the first sentence of my post.

You have called the alliance faction babies in other posts. Then try to act like you care about the issue. Pick a side toxic or constructive. Can’t play both sides as you see fit. “The alliance to act like a bunch of babies and quit instead of i dunno, doing something productive?” From your other post.


The thing about this forum though is that everyone else doesn’t matter much and that people should deal with it.

Alternatively, more people are going to be inclined to promote what they want rather than what’s for the good of others.

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“I don’t understand why Blizzard allowed Alliance to transfer (for free) off Horde dominated servers.”

I did read your first sentence. Your main is an Alliance. I play both sides on different servers, too. I also read your third sentence. Because this is a game, Blizzard isn’t the only party that can fix this. Guild leaders can stop running guilds that gank the minority faction at every point possible. Ganking is voluntary. So is leaving a server because your toon can’t play dead forever.

Edit add: To be clearer yet, I do not play any of my Alliance toons atm cuz all they can do is be dead. That won’t change if Blizzard suddenly said I can’t transfer (I can’t anymore anyway). It will only change when Horde stops ganking every location. Same is true on Alliance dominated servers, few as there are.

Yeah, you are babies for complaining about something that is easily dealt with with a small amount of organisation and getting out of the city.

If you don’t want to do that, being on a PvE server is somewhere you should be, it doesn’t mean I have the solution to help those players outside of completely rerolling and causing further issues for both factions.

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Ah i see you picked toxic. Carry on. Won’t bother reading your reply. The first sentence suffices. Continue your hypocrisy lol.


This is all in your head. IRL people dont do this. If they did, many guilds would have rerolled to opposition dominated servers by now looking for that challenge.

But that hasnt happened has it? Because people don’t walk into minefields no matter what you tell yourself. No one is ever going to do that.


Did they patch the game and now we have Horde Paladin’s ??

I must have missed that

Most Alliance don’t care about balance either as long as they can be the oppressors as opposed to the oppressed.

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Yes, I truly think some people would.

Lots of people are quietly and not quietly quitting. They can allow them to try for a better situation or lose a paying customer again. Sure you dont care but blizzatd does and should.

The raid loggers dont normally last long they will stop logging all together less and less until gone.

At the time, the “logic” was “we have an overpopulation problem on a few servers. Players are waiting in queues for long periods, to play the game. Let’s let players transfer free from those servers to another server”. That was the logic.

Blizzard was NOT addressing “faction balance” in this logic. This logic has NOTHING to do with “faction balance”. To Blizzard “PVP faction balance” was a lower priority than “players are stuck in queues, waiting to play the game”.

You can have the OPINION that “Blizzard should have” considered PVP faction balance as more important than “players stuck in queues, waiting to play the game”. That is your opinion. But that doesn’t help you understand the logic.

If you “can’t understand it” you need to start by realizing that some people do not have YOUR priorities or opinions. In fact many people don’t.

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logic?PAID transfers they will make a killing off the alliance.

who cares, you get what you deserve

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lack of foresight, incompetence, Dunning-Kruger has been handling all the promotions. It’s really disappointing seeing all the major devs just failing at everything, even rereleasing a 15 year old game they said they weren’t going to change, then why not just triple the pop cap, i’m sure it wont effect anything.


I agree with this. Players don’t actually want balance. They want to be PVP warriors and win, win, win. I think people who say they want balance are kidding themselves or worse, liars.


Yeah! We want to bring balance to the force.