What is the logic behind allowing Alliance to transfer off Horde dominated servers?

My main is a Paladin named Kaine on Kromcrush. I had to add this in since someone said my opinion doesn’t matter because I play Horde on a Horde dominated server.

I don’t understand why Blizzard allowed Alliance to transfer (for free) off Horde dominated servers.

If your goal is “faction balance”…wouldn’t it make more sense to allow Alliance to transfer (for free) to Horde dominated servers…and allow Horde on Horde dominated servers to transfer off Horde dominated servers (for free) to servers that were Alliance dominated…or at the very least had a lower number of Horde on them? I just don’t understand the logic behind letting Alliance transfer off a Horde dominated server for free…when all that does is kills the server. If there are no more Alliance to kill the Horde on that server will become bored because they can not World PvP. It only makes logical sense to bring more Alliance to that server asap.

By allowing the Alliance to transfer off a Horde dominated server…you are literally killing both factions on that server at the same time. lol


They don’t want to PvP in the first place, they’ll complain on the new server too.


Maybe faction balance isn’t the concern people claim it is.


Wrong. They just want balance.


Do you truly think anyone will transfer from a dominating faction to a minority one?


Says the horde on a horde dominated server… opinion - discarded


why would anyone do that?


If we took the merit of people who actually leave ironforge / orgrimmar on yojamba it’s pretty even. But I’m sure you’d know nothing about that rolling around in bulwark zergs that nobody bothers to group up to deal with.

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For several obvious reasons:

  • To help faction balance
  • Possibly lower latency on another server
  • For guild/personal reputation reasons
  • Maybe you are on an Alliance dominated server and want to experience more World PvP
  • Maybe you have friends on a Horde dominated server and you want to play with them.
    Etc, etc, etc…

There are several reasons why you’d be willing to transfer to a Horde dominated server…“if” it was for free. “Some” Horde would also transfer off that server for many of the same reasons.

thats not realistic


I don’t know if the server I’m on is imbalanced, but I realized that I just want a transfer to a normal server.

There aren’t enough people willing to pay to play alliance on a pvp server to meet the horde demand for pvp. The game would have to go F2P and hope we get enough alliance players for pvp to last for it to work.


Probably because giving them an in-game experience they want and keeping their sub makes more business sense than having them get frustrated and quit.
And no, the dominant faction will not then quit themselves since they can’t find wpvp. They’ll just complain about it while also telling each other how they did such a great job that the other faction quit.


As demonstrated by the Stalagg/Heartseeker situation, no. People of dominating factions don’t want balance. A minority may, but the general group of that faction does not.

Generally the players don’t care about most of that. They want the dominant group. IE Stalagg/Heartseeker


My main is Alliance…on Kromcrush…my Paladins name is Kaine.

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Makes it easier to merge if there’s only one faction.

So if all of the Alliance leave a server…do you think that the Horde on that server will continue to pay their subscription?

You didn’t finish reading what I wrote


Didn’t a group of horde players on an eu server follow alliance transfers?

It isn’t. Otherwise they would have had faction restrictions at launch.

Blizzard doesn’t care about faction balance.


I agree about faction restrictions. Only a certain amount of a faction should be able to be created on each server. If people were dead set on a server and the Horde was full…they might instead play Alliance on that server.