What is the Light Crystal in Hallowfall

Since the crystal is at the top of the zone it reminds me of the light in shadowlands, tyrannizing the people below.
One of the few interesting parts of shadowlands.

Hopefully Arathi can join the alliance and are an updated human model too

The Light in Shadowlands was left as a reminder of the Shadowlands’ unprovoked invasion of the Light. Zereth Mortis/Death/Nathrezim pushed first, Zereth Lumen/Light/Naaru pushed back.

Please no more humans on the Alliance. We need Furbolgs and Ankoan.

Y’know, this reminds me of a weird thing I’ve wanted to bring up somewhere, and this is probably the most relevant or at least convenient excuse to do it.

We don’t really see the forces of the Light opposing the forces of the Void. There’s a handful of instances to be sure, but to date the primary focus of opposition for the Light has been…

Disorder. Sargeras and the Burning Legion. That.

But the force we see more often opposing the Void? The guys who are most heavily involved in fighting the old gods?

Titans. Order.

Light and Void, Order and Disorder, those are the guys allegedly in opposition to one another, but their biggest conflicts aren’t against the force they allegedly oppose.

It’s like someone decided to swap their arch-enemies in the distant past.


But we do though.

“The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos also flung shards of Light throughout reality. These shards suffused the matter of myriad worlds with the spark of life, giving rise to creatures of wonderous and terrible diversity. The most common forms of life were the elemental spirits.” Chronicle vol. 1 page 18


That would be a way for Blizzard to side step the conversation about where the Light has been all this time for other races.

If the Light Crystal had arrived eons ago, and the Titans sort of locked it up to at least dim it significantly.

If that were the case, it would explain why The Titanforged (Dwarves/Humans) kept its memory going, and revered the Light. And go on to teach it to others.

And also why the Trolls (specifically the Zandalari) would also have a memory of it, and have their own ancient Light based stuff - along with Rezan.

And learning more about it now could explain every race having access to Paladins, going forward .

Well at some point, Sargeras was fighting alongside the Titans against their enemies. Then he joined/led the Fel/Disorder. And beat the Titans so bad they were almost out of the game, if it weren’t for us puny mortals. So Order was just about lost to Disorder.

Now sure what the Light was up to before Sargeras went turn coat, and made the Legion their enemy.

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That is true. But when I think of who the titans have fueded with and fought against, it’s the old gods. They faced down Sargeras, true, but they didn’t so much fight or deal with him and more like they tried to talk him out of being all Sargeras-y and he merced them for it.

But for us Azerothians? Their actions against Sargeras are irrelevant until we face down Argus so they can lock him up. The much more relevant actions of the Titans from our perspective is trying to purge the old gods, killing Yshaarj, locking the rest away, installing a global killswitch/reset in case things with the old gods went too far, so on and so forth.

They tried to handle Sargeras like the wayward sibling he was. But the old gods are who they just straight opposed.

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My money is on that theory that whatever it is, it’s Naaru related since if you zoom in on the crystal in the promo pics, the surface is covered with what looks like subtle glowing Naaru/Draenei glyphs

Or more like another writing blunder.

See the questions I raised to Mohenjo for problems with that idea.

If I want to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, I’d say that is when they were fighting the Void (though that’s not a foolproof explanation).

I mean, it goes all the way back to the very earliest days of WoW, TBC specifically, so…

No? Probably no?

It’s a weird quirk, sure, but an actual blunder? I mean, it’s not like it ruins anything.


I mean a blunder in it relies on people/beings acting out-of-character and actions or lack thereof happening for no reason. It’s like if Sargeras wasn’t pulled off Azeroth by the Titans but suddenly decided to leave the planet for no reason and the Burning Legion never attacked again.

Yeah, I don’t think this really fits that description.

Like, it’s not inherently out of character for the Naaru as representatives of the Light to oppose the evil of the Burning Legion, and the Titans ripping Old Gods out of Azeroth and locking the rest up makes perfect sense.

I just think it’s a little strange that it’s Light vs Disorder, Order vs Void. Not out of character at all, just a weird happenstance.


True. My problem is the ideas of “this was the Light’s gameplan all along” when there’s several reasons related to character and plot where it doesn’t make sense (such as why the Light crystal has done nothing outside Hallowfall all this time, why it was never mentioned by anyone like the Titans or Old Gods before).

It’s like those questions I asked Mohenjo. Mohenjo has constructive ideas, and they’re not bad, there’s just some things that they don’t address (and the actual canon addresses even less).

The light crystal is Azeroth’s soul, the spark of life.

It’s all written out in the Catholic Orthodox inspiration for the Arathi tribe who worship it. It’s the ‘Holy fire.’ I’m sure you ‘academic theologians’ can figure out what that means in Catholic context.

Another possibility is that it isn’t even sentient in the way we keep assuming. It could very well just be a missile of pure light aimed the Heart for conversion. It adds a sort of political twist to the situation, because agents of the Light like the Naaru are probably not keen on explaining why a literal unexploded bomb is embedded in the planet.

If you’re a country IRL and you accidentally drop a dud of a nuke on a country you didn’t exactly have permission to fly over, there’s some desire to keep that a bit hush hush …


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You don’t know what ‘holy fire’ is?

Are you Catholic/Christian?

… scary stuff, mate. Don’t burn me at the stake.

I’m that last person who would do that here.i just want to share knowledge.

The ‘holy fire’ is the Holy Spirit’s rigtheous and good nature. It’s usually depicted in religious catholic iconography as the flaming heart.

Although, Orthodox practices of “keeping the light aflame” Leviticus 9:24 is probably an assimilation of Roman pagan beliefs, like the Vestigal flame.

There’s a feast on the Spring Equinox at Church of the Holy Sepulchre, because Orthodox Christians believe this miracle fire is what brought Jesus back from the dead. According to Catholic theology this fire will not burn true believers in Jesus Christ, so yes this belief did spike during the Spanish Inquisition and the witch trials.

Good foundation for the Arathi having an orthodox views of paladin holy righteousness, but also makes them good potential antagonists.

The Crystal is a pure uncorrpted shard of Light from the dawn of creation. It’s also described in Chronicle as the Spark of Life that birthed the primal elements. It’s complex. It’s also the World Soul’s soul you want to delve into gnosticism, with matter being evil and the soul being of the divine.


The forums will explode if this happens…

I have mixed feelings about this… :smile_cat:


There’s an Arathi Hallowfall themed dungeon!!

My mind went, “oh there has to be zealots, this is Scarlet Crusade 2.0” lol :laughing:

Fun fact I just learned the other day. Metzen used this similar theme for his tabletop rpg Auroboros, and this religious cult also venerated the Sun. His campaign was to topple these zealots to bring about a ritual to awaken the world soul serpent, It’s like the man knows what’s what.