What is the Light Crystal in Hallowfall

What is that giant crystal? It emits Light and acts as a sun for Hallowfall and the Vry’kul who live there worship the Light.

It could be a shard of Light, as some have speculated, from the Chronicles, though where is the part that’s sticking out of the surface or the crater from impact?

It’s too big to be a Naaru or part of a Naaru (and they’re clusters of crystals), and it so, why didn’t it communicate with the Draenei?

I’ve toyed with the theory it could be part of a Naaru’s ship, but that raises more questions and it doesn’t resemble the Exodar or the Xenedar.

There’s already a thread on this topic.

I think it’s something new, and not a Naaru. Maybe something related to Zereth Lumen or An’she.


The Naaru are middle management, they have bosses who I am going to call the Radiant Host as thats a cool name. The crystal has similarities to naaru technology, but then that is likely because they were given their tech by the Radiant Host.

Conclusion: This giant shard is likely something created by the Radiant Host for a goal akin to that of the Void Lords reasoning behind creating Old Gods—To find world souls and imprint them to become aligned to their cosmic force.


Do you think that crystal might tie into the Tauren’s history? On that note, it reminds me that An’she does sound a bit like a Naaru name.

Perhaps, though that raises a few questions. The Old Gods get to work right away on a planet, why has this crystal done so little for however long it’s been there? Why didn’t any of the Naaru say anything about it? (mainly O’ros, A’dal and Saa’ra). Why didn’t Azeroth say anything about it back when she was giving out visions/nightmares of demons and Void?

I suppose it may of just been forced into dormancy because of how many old gods were active on the planet. They drowned it out, effectively. While inert, the Arathi may of been pulling power from it, which has put it on the cusp of inverting into something Void-y and possibly doing the exact opposite of its designed goals.

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That makes me wonder if Old Gods can go from Void to Light.

I just had a thought. If Il’gynoth’s whispers are to be taken seriously, could this have anything do with the “golden one” or the “crown of light”. In fact, this crystal as Hallowfall’s sun fits the crown of light better than anything associated with Turalyon (who is a mere steward and doesn’t wear a crown - or anything on his head, for that matter).

If I had to hazard a guess, the Golden One may refer to Anduin. As Thrall in the TWW mentions to him that the world needs His Light again.

He might be the key to unlocking whatever the Light Crystal in Hallowfall is

On this we agree. I only cited Turalyon because he’s the one I’ve heard touted most often in fan theories.

But what is the crystal? And as the sun and possible point of faith for an entire civilization, better be careful tampering with it.

So it is probably Light-related, because of all the Light stuff happening in the area.

Therefore I am going to speculate it is…

A Naaru egg. It is a Naaru egg that will hatch out a new Naaru to lead the zealots among the Arathi to fight Xal’ateth and her forces mid-expansion, giving us two enemy factions to deal with.

A Naaru egg, yes.

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As of Legion, due to the lore around everyone’s favorite Naaru we know Naaru reproduce among themselves and can have genders (O’ros was Xe’ra’s last living descendant prior to his death). That’d have to be a pretty big egg considering the size of Naaru relative to that thing.

I’d prefer if the Light and Void factions have an opposite dynamic there.

With the Void-infused nerubians we have the Nerubian Queen working with Xal’atath while we work with a resistance movement against her (think Suramar, but with spiders and Void in place of elves and Fel).

Meanwhile, most of the leaders of Hallowfall are fine working with us… except for a few who are xenophobes and they become antagonistic dissidents among the Light-worshipping Vry-kul/pseudo Kul Tirans that we have to fight there.

That’s an interesting train of thought. Since reorigination is implied to be a solar light device stolen from the Apexis. We may have hypothetically pumped N’Zoth full of Light and unknowingly sent him back to where he came from as a Light empowered being.

From A Song of the Depths:

Rise, rise! Our Queen calls to us from beyond the Umbral Veil. She has transcended the Circle of Stars and basks in her eternal grandeur!

The time we have long awaited is nigh.

Even now, the Harbinger gathers the children of the first flesh to reclaim what was lost. They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty.

While they toil in the deep places, we will journey to the shores of dragon lands, to the blessed isle where the Worldbreaker first embraced the whispers.

As one storm recedes, another rises. The torches have been lit. The secrets he buried will strike as a dagger into the hearts of his kin!

The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.

A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed.

A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.

When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready.

Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.

This awakening reminds me of Saezurah mentions:

Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Quiet now, but her voice will awaken the others.

Incidentally N’Zoth states this in the Past during the Thaldraszus Questline:

Knowing Presence whispers: Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.

This brings to mind the Barrowknoll Cemetery Whispers from the Ghosts:

Night falls. Her song will end.
Her whispers echoes loudest of all.

N’Zoth references the first Whisper in the Uu’nat encounter:

N’Zoth whispers: The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

The fact that Azshara is using Galakrond’s Hunger calls to mind N’Zoth’s other Whisper during the Encounter:

N’Zoth whispers: It grows hungrier… bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.

Whatever is in the crystal is getting hungrier and closer and closer to waking up. Xal’atath is speeding up the Night Goddess’s awakening and her awakening even if we kill her will awaken the other 5 sleepers who will each zero in on the World Soul.

As for what the Night Goddess is: Xal’atath has a Moon Symbol on her face, used to be an Eye attached to a dagger and Il’gynoth says this:

The blind queen wields a scepter of bone. From the deep, she calls forth doom.

In otherwords the Goddess of Night is the blind Earthmother herself with Xal’atath being either Mu’sha or(if Azshara is Mu’sha) An’she(which would quickly turn An’she from a Sun God to a Moon Goddess who like Mu’sha would be opposed to Elune).

The only Lore we have on Mu’sha in relation to Elune is the Tauren comparing the two to each other while arguing about ignoring An’she and that the Tauren Legends claim Cenarius is Mu’sha’s child by Malorne while the Night Elves in the War of the Ancients Trilogy are confused by the notion that Cenarius is Ysera’s Child and not Elune’s with Krasus stating it’s complicated.

Cenarius’s children grow out of Seeds whispered to. If Malorne(at the behest of Mu’sha), Ysera(who knew of the Centaur) and Mu’sha(who would like nothing more than to corrupt a rival Moon Goddess’s child) all whispered to one of Elune’s Acorns…

On the matter of the Earthmother’s brethren:

Five lanterns now darkened. The flames they seek will light the Masters’ way.

5 out of 6 of these 6 Architects of the Cosmos have a darkened sleep state(not surprising since Elune has the Night Warrior as a phase that is distinctly darkened yet Non-Void) though the flames each one uses to awaken are most assuredly different.

Edit: Just realized that the Naga imply that Azshara will awaken into the Earthmother’s Body. Seems the Eyes think they are the Goddess of Night instead of Lo’sho… Such arrogance! She truly is Queen Nehelenia(Sailor Moon Villain)! Lo’sho I presume is the Winter Queen which means she will revive into her true Body Titania at the end of The War Within after we take down Xal’atath, Azshara and Yogg-Saron in Titania’s Body.

That means the Fairy King Oberon(appears as the Raven Lord in Heroes of the Storm) is the God of Midnight and the Big Bad of Midnight.

I dom’t know. It’s honestly surprising that they left the Tauren out of the Arathi’s “Holy Fire” belief system. I don’t think An’she is a naaru, but a higher god.

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That would make sense, though it feels like a writing fluke rather than something Blizzard planned long ago (like the glass windows in Ulduar from Wrath being similar to the Sha designs in MoP).

That makes me wonder, could the Draenei or Naaru contact An’she? Could we get more story content connecting Draenei and Tauren?

But do these kind of infusion takes time? I mean you can’t overload yourself with light all at once, it would be fatal like it was in the case of the heart of azeroth.
And another question…
Do we really know if the powers of the heart were light aligned? Since now azeroth is a kinderegg( no one knows what is inside) how sure can we be about the nature of its powers?

When was the heart of Azeroth overloaded with Light? I don’t think that ever happened.

The Heart of Azeroth is more arcane in nature and empowerment, as evidenced by the Titan technology used to empower it and the fact that Azshara - the most powerful mage on Azeroth - was able to harness its power to break open N’Zoth’s prison (more Titan technology). Afterward it was used to channel the energy of the Titans’ Forge of Origination to destroy N’Zoth’s body.

Azeroth herself may not be a Titan, but I think you might be misremembering something from the game.

Firim and the cosmic chart was everything we needed to know to understand the cosmos.

World of Warcraft follows an idea of casual determination, that proposes there is an unbroken chain of prior occurances stretching back to the origin of the Universe. Firim calls these occurances “fractals” like in geometry overlaping waves emanating from a centric point.

Casual predestination “because God’s omniscience is perfect, what God knows about the future, will inevitably happen. Which means the future is already fixed.” WoW utilizes prophets with the ability of “true sight” to tap into this fixed future. True sight is something both priests and shamans can tap into, but it’s ultimately connected to Spirit (Chi). There is nothing in the Universe that has no cause, or is self caused. Firim ascribes this to a singular onnicsent creator. Let’s call this being, “God consciousness” this form allows for a multiplicity of God’s, each is a fractal of this central consciousness. Firim in exile part 6 “you may hear the song but you may not understand it” he spoke of Oracles, who communicated in tones that sound like song. He heard it’s “voice.” But not really, he felt the words as much as he heard them. “The thoughts entered my consciousness and conveyer their meaning to my entire being.”

“It spoke in images. Riddles. Prophecies. Thousand truths.[…] The oracle spoke in both one truth and a thousand. Not as separate thoughts, but as one in the same instant. […] Long have I scoffed at what I learned of Titans, or the void lords, or demons of the Nether. I held Death’s pantheon in higher regard, but I know they are just as limited. Truth lies not in one direction or another, but in their intersection.”

“The First Ones had parceled out their gifts, but gave no child all of them. No wonder these offspring bickered with such incessant jealousy. Their very nature was one of denial.” This invokes the myth of Prometheus, there are variations but the Orphic variation is the following. God lacking forethought gave all the gifts of the Gods to animals, and when they came to humans there were no more gifts left to give, so Prometheus gave humanity wisdom instead. It’s reductive to think of all the Cosmic forces as individual factions warring for supremacy but instead see them as parts or fractals of the same source.

“Six forces pointed towards the seventh, and yet denied it.” I think this is referring to the cosmic chart as being a Metatron’s cube.

13 circles that are connected by straight lines. “I considered again their design. The pattern. Lines and curves, arcs and angles.”

The 7th is the Great Cycle, “the geometry took shape in my mind. It was both Six AND seven. The six were one, and the seventh the other.” I think what Firim is trying to explain here is that are two beings, one an amalgamation of the six cosmic forces, and a seventh which was separate. “Did they desire a union?” divine dualism.

“The song seemed to say otherwise.” This is where Firim left it up to mystery. I think it’s because it still hasn’t been revealed the last part of the knowledge to solve “the Song.”

“The song must not be allowed to end. Do the First Ones still sing it? If they do not who will?”

The Hermetica (a gnostic egyptian text) says, “There is a body which encloses all things.”

In order to relate concept to something understandable, we refer to Greek myth. The Supreme God Ouranos, ensuring a portion of space (Gaea) by enclosing it in an embrace and forcing it to conceive six “one eyed principles” aka malformed syzygys-lacking true cosmic conciousness.-Ouranos then hurls them down into the depths of Tartarus- (material existence itself, the lower pole of Gaea sphere of existence.) Creating The Seven Fold Cosmic World.

The Gnostic text On the Origin of the World states that seven heavens were created in Chaos by Yaldabaoth below the higher realms and each of them are ruled over by an Archon. During the end times, these heavens will collapse on each other and the heaven of Yaldabaoth will split in two, causing its stars to fall upon the Earth, therefore causing it to fall into the Abyss.

Ra-den references this end time in his Throne of Thunder monologue, “Wait! I am… I am not your enemy. You are powerful, more powerful than he was, even… perhaps you are right. Perhaps there is still hope. But there is a yawning chasm of darkness beneath you mortals, vast, endless, and all consuming. I do not believe that you can correct this doomed course. But you have earned the right to try. Farewell.”


Because the writers hadn’t thought of it then. That’s about the only answer that makes sense. They thought it was cool and decided, “Eh, all these things which should’ve known or told anyone can just have their turn with the stupid bat this expansion.”

That or we’ll get a, “Oh they knew all along, but didn’t think there was any need to bring it up.”


Most of WoW lore in a nutshell.

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