What is the Light Crystal in Hallowfall

My honest guess is the crystal was intended to light-corrupt the world soul in the same way the Void, Legion, Zovaal, and apparently now Titans all wanted to with their magics. Because for a while now Blizzard has been clearly moving toward “every cosmic force has the exact same motivations and are all evil.” Because they’re hacks.


They’ll have to explain why that Light crystal did squat all the time it’s been there (long enough for Vry’kul to shrink physically and become a Light worshipping nation, so we’re talking centuries at least).

Then they’ll have to explain why the Naaru didn’t say or do anything if this wasn’t their mission.

Then they’ll have to explain why no one, including the various prophets, said anything about this.

If that story arc can work, not the way Blizzard’s doing it.

My guess is this’ll be going down the, ‘Light is bad,’ storyline.

Velen: “Yes, I knew there was a Shard of Light embedded in Azeroth. As did the Naaru. It is serving it’s purpose, blessing this world. When Azeroth is born, she will be a Titan of the Light, and will bring salvation to the cosmos.”


That’d be such sloppy writing. It’d raise the question of why Azeroth herself didn’t tell us while she was sending out all these visions/nightmares of demons and Void monsters years ago in Legion and BfA.

The most insidious thing about cancer, is that often times you don’t know you have it until you develop symptoms. Sometimes, the only way to detect it early, is by examinations that you would have no reason to request unless you suspected you had that specific kind of cancer, which most people wouldn’t suspect until they developed symptoms.

Is this actually canon? Did Velen know about this crystal or is this what you think Velen will say?

No, I was just hypothesizing how the crystal being knowledge among the Naaru and Prophets might just get painted as, ‘The Light is Bad.’


Ah okay all good.

You are right, it’s an easy retcon.


I’m not saying your hypotheses are bad, they have merit. I’m saying that approach still runs into problems. We were examining Azeroth thoroughly in Legion and BfA. We had the most important chamber with direct access to Azeroth’s literal heart for a whole year. We were healing her woons… pardon, WOUNDS throughout an expansion.

And over six years have passed since then, one of which involved Evil Mr Clean literally draining energy from her heart. Not picking anything up before “The War Within” is quite the plot hole.

I don’t think the writers would put as much thought and effort in as you did.

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Oh no, I agree completely. This Light Shard just suddenly showing up doesn’t make any sense, and any explanation has to grow increasingly convoluted.

For example, as another explanation, what if the Titans put that shard there themselves? They just found one floating around space, and stabbed it into Azeroth and covered it up, with the intent that it would empower Azeroth’s World Soul, and make it more powerful? Titan devices then hide it’s presence from the world. Azeroth itself doesn’t know it’s there, Titan devices won’t detect it because the Titans didn’t want it being detected and disturbed, Prophets can’t see it, etc… It’s about as unknown as Pandaria was, except moreso because knowledge of its existence never reached civilizations that didn’t encounter it.

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Or it’s just a shard of light that the Arathi have been drawing on too heavily and now it’s starting to fall to the corruption of the void.

Think simple guys, it’s usually how blizz writes their stuff. It’s likely amount to nothing in the end.

Also possible.

I only say that because there’s about 19 yrs worth of plot points that never went anywhere if we dug through all the questlines from vanilla to now.

A lot of their plots die in the same expansion they’re often introduced in. With the bigger teams blizz has now, that could change, but we’ll have to see how the next saga plays out

Might change for the better with Metzen back and some of the trash (coughCosbySuiteCrewcough) taken out.

That’s what we all can hope for. I’m just hedging my bets that the light crystal has a 90% chance of not amounting to anything in the expacs after TWW

the light was always bad its unnatural. ever seen some animal trash mob use the light? only bad things use it like the alliance scum

The crystal being the Light equivalent of an Old God for the Void makes the most sense to me.

Every cosmic force’s leaders seem to be in their realm. We’ve mostly only encountered emissaries or middle men. The representatives of those forces they send here to do their bidding.

Life Leaders send Wild Gods. Void Lords send Old Gods. Death didn’t really send anything. We don’t know what degree Chaos had on Sargeras’ Burning Legion. We don’t know if there are Order Lords beyond the Titans, but I presume there are since the Titans seem to be physically in our realm and seem to perform a similar role as the Old Gods and Naaru. And I presume Naaru are the physical representatives of the Light realm and those leaders.

The Naaru probably come to convert people, and giant crystals sent through space are probably there to convert/corrupt planets/world souls.


And the Blood Knights, Mag’har priests and Tauren sunwalkers to name a few?

But how long has that crystal been here and done nothing outside Hallowfall? The Naaru have known about Azeroth for years (since at least Burning Crusade, 18 in-universe years ago), why not make a move in all that time?

As someone else said, maybe the Void sending 4-5 Old Gods to Azeroth helped cancel out the Light’s influence.

Or maybe some of the Titan installations also had an effect on it, and the Titans limit the amount of magic it radiates. Similar to what they did with Life, they didn’t purge the planet of it, but allow it on Azeroth in a more controlled form. This would explain why the Light has never been dominant in the way the Void, Titans, and Life have been on Azeroth, but it’s still able to lend it’s power to races who never encountered a Naaru until WoW’s lifetime.

That depends when the Light crystal arrived on Azeroth, which we have no idea of yet. The Old Gods arrived eons ago, the Black Empire predates nearly everything else in Azeroth’s history.

That also raises further questions; why didn’t any Light agents made a more active move if Old Gods were suppressing the effects of the Light crystal? Couldn’t the Light crystal also reduce Void or Old God influence? Why did the Titans express respect for the Naaru if their installations also reduce the Light’s influence?