I’ve done it several times for cosmetics. (Like the end of expansion raid mounts.) I’ve never done it for gear; as a casual player the benefit I’d get from the gear doesn’t feel worth the gold investment.
Last one would have been a M15 in late BfA to unlock the artifact tint.
In that case, I specifically found someone advertising on the character they were boosting with, because the broker spam drove me bonkers. (And it gave me a chance to check their armory to reduce scam likelihood.) It actually took a few days to find one through all the noise. So, I am quite happy with the new policy. I’d certainly prefer to support guilds/players on my server for this sort of thing rather than anonymous cartels.
I remember a friend of mine buying a few of these for his main and alts (before account-wide mounts, obviously) and then being peeeeeved when MoP hit and they were all account-wide. Then to further add insult to injury I think he got like 3 more in unopened BMAH boxes.
I kinda felt his pain though, I had several characters with duplicate TCG mounts before they went account-wide, wasted a ton of gold buying like 3x blazing hippogryphs or roosters during Wrath and Cata.
I kinda knew it was coming so i had the epic spectral on my main and used the blue one on an alt knowing that at some point in time they’d all merge anyway.
The only carry I’ve paid for, and it wasn’t much of a carry, was the last two achievements for my Rusted Proto-Drake for Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 man) in WotLK. Both myself (MT) and my OT paid the Death’s Demise guild because my personal group had been disbanded by this point from guild drama, and a couple people quitting to real life. It wasn’t so much as a carry as just buying competent players that I didn’t have on deck at that moment.
My groups reformed in TotGC into ICC, but too many people on break until then.
I’ve never paid for anything from other players, playing since beta phase 4, in this or any video game.
I will buy mounts and such from the official site but nothing to get things in game. If I can’t get a thing myself then I might try to group a couple of times; if that doesn’t work then I’ll wait until it is content that is in the past that I can solo.
idk. i vaguely a million years ago… prob recall 2v2 games where someone was asking like 50g per game. not wins not loses. just time. dead servers are dead. (connected to like 6 realms now though) also someone trying to pay gold to get taken through a dungeon. though i cant recall if i ever charged them. is giving people free runs through a raid for tweak gear a boost?
is buying end game mythic raid boe gear off the AH a boost?
i mean. if so, i guess last patch for an alt.
I’ve only boosted for things that are going to be removed because of Blizzard’s silly FOMO policies. The moose mount in WoD for example. I would have done MoP garrosh for the heirlooms but I was in a guild at the time so no need to pay.
As a casual I don’t feel the least bit of shame about doing that. I’d rather not, I’d rather Blizzard allow us to farm the content for the drops after the fact at a reasonable drop rate (none of this 0.1% chance nonsense where you can farm for 10 years and not get it; I’d be okay if they dropped it from 100% to maybe 5-10% or something so you still have to farm it a bit of course) once we out-gear in an expac or two as loyal customers.
As an aside those who want bragging rights about being there at the time should of course link achievements and as someone who’s done cutting edge raiding long, long ago (before so named achieves existed in fact) I have to say I think those approaching it as something to do for bragging rights as opposed to the challenge of the moment, the camaraderie of the guild raid experience, the laughs, the raging, the wipes, etc are doing it wrong. I had some of the best times ever doing that and it wasn’t because I could strut around showing off on a mount others didn’t have (though that was something I did at times and lets be clear people would still have the ability to do that while the content is current under my idea).
I think there’s two kinds really. The kind I mention, cheating Blizzard of their FOMO demand everyone be a hardcore raider every expac and clear heroic/mythic end-boss. And then there’s the people who buy carries to Gladiator or who buy carries every week to get a full set of mythic gear and then strut around acting like they’re some hot stuff.
Getting boosted in TBC classic in SM till level 45 than Mara till lvl 54 then strat till lvl 60. The leveling experience in classic is awful I can’t be bothered to do it anymore.