What is the incentive to being alliance?


A: There are no blood elves.


I was horde for many years. Returning to WoW after missing MoP, WoD and most of Legion, I found I still had IRL friends playing the game but they were alliance. Thus, I did a faction change.

Friends > Faction

Tuskarr. maybe?

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I don’t want to be a smelly orc/troll/zombie. Tauren are cool and all but not enough to deal with all the smelly races and the overabundance of blood elves. Also everything horde related is ugly.

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well, every week you get a free piece of gear so get to camping them FPs! :smile: other than that, i guess it comes down to aesthetics. some people like playing boring humans and elves. i personally just like having both sides of the story (and having more options for alts via the allied races).

as far as “quality” of players though, you’re kidding yourself if you think one faction has better quality than the other. same bloody thing with a different paint color

i can’t see your face

I played Alliance for years because I liked the aesthetic.

Then the Zandalari and Nightborne came along…

Freak accident when attempting to install a gyrostabilizer into a rocket-chicken. I’m currently using transporter therapy to help restore my face. I should be good to go by the next Gnome-Goblin International Rocket Chicken Races and BBQ.


I boosted a character into my highest level Alliance recently, just because of the story focus on Jaina and the memorial in Stormwind.

But in my heart, I’m just Horde. Not much can change that.

didn’t wee see why she burned it down in the warbringers video, she originally planned to take it hostage but got upset at a night elf and burned the whole thing down

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Boralus city > Zuldazar city

Ooops! I was off with that guy. lol Apparently it’s been a while since I’ve seen him and forgot. :sweat_smile: Here he is, though. Thargold Ironwing. Still think he’s a good looking chap.

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I prefer castles to spiked tents. Also I love shadowmeld.


This, plus almost everyone I know in this game plays alliance.

For a lot of players I know, this is the answer.


They provide stability. Leaders arent killed off and cities arent made raids like horde are.


Because between Cataclysm and BFA they destroyed the Horde they had created in WC3 and drug it back to the generic evil that it was in WC1.


You know, if Sylvanas has her way, we could have both.

Well it was for a lot of reasons, I have 13 100+ toons on Sarg, over a mil gold, and I love the NEs. However trying to run a raid team on ally side has become… painful… so after 12 years playing Ally Blizz finally broke me. My team is faction changing to Horde next week…

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I’m Alliance because I choose civilization over savagery. :man_shrugging: