What is the incentive to being alliance?

That your dead bodies are doing amazing things for the environment?

I play both sides so I get the full story.

However, I’ve almost always been a Horde main - my friends/raiding group just decided to go Alliance this xpac so now I’m an Alliance main.

I’m not necessarily opposed to this…

Besides, a castle with spikes makes it easier to display the bodies of your enemies.

I mean this in the most un-offensive way possible, but that really sucks man. You should be able to play this game and accomplish what you want to on either of the 2 factions. I’m not saying alliance suck or horde is awesome. My problem is why Blizzard doesn’t see this as a problem.


I play Alliance because I don’t like playing the bad guys in video games.


Agreed and I held onto that hope pretty hard but churn happens on a raid team, always has always will, but when you can’t replace members at a rate even half as fast as you lose them. That’s a massive problem. We threw everything and the kitchen sink but had no luck getting decent raiders to apply. It really does depress me having to go horde but gotta do what ya gotta do.


At this point it’s a mixture of sunk cost and a complete disdain of the aesthetics of horde races. I have no interest in playing as Barbarian beast men with the singular exception of two overly androgynous elf races.

All this keeps me there in spite of the fact that my friends for both raiding and arena have moved on to horde. Dooming me to heroic pugs and praying i can find a 2k+ arena group.

Just hoping at this point that Blizzard eventually decides that the imbalance is unacceptable and takes some kind of EFFECTIVE corrective action

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A slap in the face!

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Alliance get’s lots of recolored horses as their special mounts. woooot!!!

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I literally went Alliance because I hate undead. Like, in EQ I played a Paladin who specialized in slaying undead. Tabletop gaming? I hate undead. I will build a character to kill them if I think the setting will feature them.

Vanilla WoW launched? Horde = allied with the Forsaken. No. I must slay them. My faction was chosen for me.

Got weird when DKs were introduced. I’m going to be completely screwed if some kind of Lightforged Forsaken race is ever added to Ally side.


I like playing in the Homosapiens sapiens faction, not the neanderthal one.


I don’t know. Spiked tents sounds like a good way to get tetanus.

So, no fun then?



“Come play Alliance! The content is worse, the racials are worse, the game isn’t designed around you and you’re forbidden from raiding, but hey! Castles!”


Not playing a monster or classical fantasy villain, but playing what is the normal heroic fantasy races? That being said I like Warcraft’s take on the Minotaur (Tauren)

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Aesthetic settings aside there really is no incentive to play a dying faction in terms of player numbers especially when Blizzard doesnt do anything about it and pushing faction transfer sales only exacerbates people going from Alliance to horde.


Alliance has a better story and is generally favored as the strong and moral where horde just gets garroshish leaders over and over. Their cities look better. They get a bunch of cool horse mounts. If they could punt gnomes it would be the perfect faction.

Loyalty, been Alliance for 13 years. Also, I like the look of Alliance, I prefer the feel as well, I am aware we are not the “good” guys but we feel a lot more civilized and decent than the blight spreading filth that makes up the horde and their undead banshee boob queen.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. >.>


But you don’t have a face!


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