What is the deal with Horde 0% win rate

Lots of people race swapped from Orc to Alliance races since Orc is no longer the best race for PVP.

But if you just play with friends W/L feels about the same as it did in SL.


Seriously, how is it still a thing? How are we removing the faction barrier for tons of PvE things but letting it persist in PvP? We fight the same bad guys every expansion. We share a city in every expansion. (except for BFA)

Allowing cross-faction queueing solves SO many problems. Insanely fast queue times, always starting with a full group, evening out the healers.


I experience the opposite, horde always be winning lol

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Yes this has changed over the last few days. Last week Horde was losing all the time, but things seem to be more even now as Horde players have caught up on gear (I experienced more wins as Horde actually). This post is 5 days old, so it may be defunct.

At <70 BGs though, Alliance seems to dominate. Think I’ve lost 1 game as Alliance out of a dozen while leveling.

Agree with the person above that suggests faction-agnostic queueing.

I just did 4 as Alliance whilst levelling. Won 1, lost 2, and the last was a draw.

It will balance out and always does.

I’ve played both Horde and alliance side by side for over a decade. Alliance wins more during the start of every expansion and patch. I think this is due to arena season not being out. So all the good arena players are PVPing in normal BGs more. I think it’s more noticeable on alliance due to it having less players in general. I run into the same alliance player when I’m on my alliance. When I’m horde I hardly ever see the same people unless it’s in lower Backets pvp.

Alliance pvp can actually get very annoying during losses compared to horde. Normally on horde I see one or two people being upset about us losing while the whole team ignores the chat and just plays. While on alliance the whole team is typing angrily to each other. It’s like being in a call of duty lobby….it gets so bad. I do see it on horde but not as often as alliance.

Maybe one day blizzard will just merge the ques and we can stop this argument of “alliance is bad at PvP……Horde is Bad at pvp”

I don’t think mergers to the Que will solve your win loss ratio….it’s based if you got a good team. Again the only time I ever notice a difference is start of Expansion and patches. Otherwise my win/loss is the same.

Lots of reasons…
The warcraft movie brought all the new kiddos who saw it to the horde side.
Bigger raiding community on the horde side, which means more casuals and also bots.
All the decent horde players are being mercenaries
Above are just three of them

When I drop a feast (99% it’s me) in BGs, I watch to see who responds to it. Try it.
Also players who do not buff (fort/mark/soul well etc.) this usually coincides with those who do not eat. Players who are there to lean on the actual team/honor are probably a worse spot than actual bots.

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Make the Alliance Great Again !


Like when humans had Every man for himself for the majority of wows pvp history?

The new pvp trinket bonus effectively gave alliance the orc racial. So most pvpers went alliance because orcs lost the advantage

This is what I’ve been hearing as well. So this could be it.

3 expansions is the majority of wows pvp history?

0%? horde wins all the time in my battle group, alliance sucks here we always lose

There are no battlegroups, just the time you queue at and what part of the globe is awake (NA vs oceanic)

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Because we don’t have a solo BG que system, so all these pvp guilds go into BGs as a pre made and wipe people just trying to get gear