What is the deal with Horde 0% win rate

i just got out of a DWG where we would fight to cap a base and then everyone would then leave it completely undefended. i had a H36 hunter talking :poop: trying to claim his 3kbs mean he’s a better pvper despite him winning no teamfights and claiming HHTD is the only addon you need for pvp.

i remember why i premade

we have to merc. only way to win.

It’s because alliance player’s only do bgs when there in full premade groups they can’t fight fair it’s a problem blizzard needs to address

horde is terrible.

i just did a random BG… it was battle of gilneas…

i have TEN PEOPLE on my team…


so… wheres the other 9 people on my team? they were in middle of map getting farmed by a ret pal.

cant make this up. i logged out with the quickness

also, it gets super old having to beg my team for lust or warp every single game… how do these people make it to level 70 without putting their best cooldown on their bars?
(this mage isnt the toon i play)

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youre a lying POS but GJ on trolling

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GTFO with that, take the L and move on.

Been queuing randoms for 2 days, have yet to be in a single premade.

It’s gear plain and simple.


Maybe you just didn’t know?

I play ally and i lose about half my matches…
Take a notebook, a pencil, and note every win or loss u have, ull see that thats not true.

yup, this is what I did because horde lost so much. Now I merc 100% because well…horde isn’t doing to good lol. Geared in half a day.

Imagine not grinding honor Pre-70 and being autogeared once you hit max level.

Honestly this is what I did and will continue to do on all my toons. If pvp is your primary goal at max level why would you not bg to get to 11k honor before you even hit 70 and then once your 70 immediately get full bis honor gear?

This happens at the beginning of every xpac competitive alliance pvpers que horde gets dunked on bc they are not use to it. Once competitive alliance players get their base gear they stop queuing for literally the rest of the xpac and only do competitive pvp.

Alliance has better bonuses and gears up faster.

And its not just close losses. Its like 1500-100 or worse. Just getting run thru so bad.

Just curious how many Horde players are using merc or purposefully paid Faction Change for faster gearing?

Merc mode shouldn’t even exist, but the least they could do is make it so mercs don’t get bonus honor.

imagine thinking a whole expansion revolves around pvp and you

Nothing will kill a successful business faster than an employee.

Is this thread about Hode BGs at level 70? Because 60-69 I’ve been having a 30 to 50% winrate each day over the past week as Alliance.

Pretty sure Horde has figured out that party Sync into the lower brackets yields a much better advantage compared to authentic BG’s.

horde is garbage atm.

i just do merc and it makes the game way more enjoyable.

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