What do you think is it the cutest race in the game is? And why do you think it’s Gnomes?
None are prepared to handle my cuteness. Even the Illidari wish they could get hair this green.
Female Draenei are Adorable and Totally Huggable. i’d gladly join Alliance if i could still be a blood elf complete with blood elf heritage armor, blood elf coloration and features and blood elf transmog models and give cute Draenei women headpats.
Fem Draenei, fem Void elfs. High elf / belf
Orcs. Males, females, don’t matter. They’re adorable. I just wanna pinch their cheeks.
Posting on my gnome to confirm for everyone that the answer is Gnomes.
We’re like little angels
I mean …just looka me
/fruit hat
/cute dance
That’s a pretty fluffy tail.
But it’s not as cute as a Gnome! Gnomes are the OG cute race.
Because they can look similar to children, and people tend to think of children as being cute.
Pulls out rifle
Orcs confirmed. Just look at these guns /flex
Its not fair to draw that comparison with them. Playable gnomes are about 40 in lore.
That has no bearing on appearance, which is where the comparison is made. And I only say they can look like children, not that they always do or that they cannot look like an adult.
Easily Tauren and High Mountain. Just look at them! They’re adorable
Gnome, since they can be hunters now.
10 char.
Orc peons are the cutest things in the game, though I do think that the grumpy forsaken are also pretty adorable. They remind me of old people who just don’t an eff anymore.