What is the best way to include the Amani in the story?

The blood elves know and appreciate that Sylvanas died to protect them. It isa huge point from their heritage questline even.


Yeah… I’d rather not play the whole switcharoo/broken promises trope on a group of people traditionally kicked down, described as ‘savages,’ and overall deserve some more respect than that - especially if the idea is going through the lengths and pains to reach all the way out to Zul’jin to gain his blessing. Not to mention portraying the Horde as underhanded, deceitful, and poor ‘allies.’

To do that to an overall enemy group sure - send in some Goblins to make an underhanded deal with like pirates to attack some Alliance with the promise of Horde support and loot, do it, and then capture the pirates for being pirates and recoup your expenses. But to do that to a people you want to be allies with, or at least just live peacefully next to? Its just not the way to do it. You’re just asking for even more animosity.


The rage talkers on twitter did a great deal for their racist bait from Baal. Never seen a worse group of people who got fed by years of supremacy feels from Blizzard when they start they deserve to die merley for described as “dirty and smelly savages.” And pretty much all people who think this way are alliance players from europe.

Personally I think the Amani deserve to win by now. It is bothersome that Blizzard throught it to be a good idea to paint those who merley defended their homeland as bad or evil.

Disgusting degenerates by default.


point is no matter what the racist people say, the Amani deserve so much better than what Blizzard gave them so far.

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My blood elf hates trolls with a passion. So does my goblin. We talk down on those lesser beings.

Trolls belong under the boot of the elves and goblins.

found the raging racist.

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Goblins and blood elves are just superior than those tusk heads.

Loas? Psh, they Are nothing compared to technology and the arcane

With all due respect Erevien, weren’t you one of the people doing that?

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I was never racist towards trolls. And I regret my past now.

You’re racist against the Arathi and calling them humans. How racist.

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Arathi are humans mostly. The current emperor is literally named Thoradin IV.

Yet SHOULD someone say that the Amani are mostly raid fodder, people’s brain melt and they freak out

It is what it is

We don’t disagree with this fact. We simply say it is bad. Eredar and Dark Iron dwarfs did worse then the Amani yet they are playable now.

The Amani do deserve better writing than what they’ve gotten. My main concern though, is that they been villians for so long, that I don’t know you suddenly turn them into good guys. At least not without suffering some sort of whiplash.

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Doesn’t stop them from being Arathi and not humans.

You were, Erevien. Do you regret this?

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That was targeted at the tribe not his race. Blizzard never bothered to let them Play a major role in anything.

Calling any people a backwater tribe who live in huts is racist.

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The way they are doing it now.