What is the AV ratio for wins/loss?

This is some self aggrandising garbage. We have an advantage in AV, because the map was designed to be a different playstyle than the iteration it has in classic. You’re just trying to make yourself feel accomplished for taking advantage of it.


Mine is 100000/0

Even if they change anything , Alliance will still get stomped.

And horde have major ones.

Let’s see:

  • WotF is instant, Escape Artist has a cast time
  • 5 second immunity vs single use
  • Removes stuff that prevents you from doing anything vs stuff that just stops you from moving.

Yeah, I think WotF is much more powerful.


Just because they didn’t fix it in 2005 doesn’t mean they intended for games to start 12v40.

It’s also really only useful against warlocks and spriests

I’m not saying alliance has better racials. But if horde racials are sooooo good then how do alliance win any WSG/AB games? The racials dont make as big of a difference as people claim.

And warriors and hunters too, as well as engineers’ mind control cap and several other items in the game. There are tons of uses in PVE too.

Im not saying that the racials are an amazing difference between the factions, however WotF is far better than most racials in PVP. At the very least the immunity part should be removed to bring it in line with similar racials.

Thats true. But as alliance you just learn to play around it. Its by no means game breaking. If you need racials to win you’re not that good anyway.

No it’s wasn’t, the original had the horde cave right at the back. That’s why the lost.

Force people to learn to play around it, vs. a racial that is pretty negligible by just reapplying the CC.

Yeah, not comparable. Horde players like to dismiss racials until they mention Ally racials, and then say that their crutch isn’t important.

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As I said:

I’m just refuting your point that WotF and Escape Artist are comparable. They are not, WotF is much more powerful. Yes, it’s not game breaking but it is a significant difference.

Yet another reason Vanilla was just bad. We’d have been better off with an entirely new game than this rehash of Vanilla.

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Original WotF was 20 seconds immunity, wasn’t it?

I played alliance on Stalagg during p1 and 2 and there were more undead characters than all the alliance combined. But WotF isnt OP. Sure buddy, keep kidding yourself

Yes, 20 seconds until 1.6.

Maybe you’re looking at that from a warlocks point of view. All you have to do is avoid undead and you’re fine. However, the rest of the classes in the game have a ridiculousl disadvantage as orcs are near stun immune, where charge and intercept, cheap shot and kidney shot, are basically useless because they ALWAYS get resisted. Don’t forget, 60% of classic players are playing a warrior, and like 95% of horde warriors are Orcs. The disadvantage alliance warriors have vs horde warriors is phenominal.

Well I play alliance and I dismiss racials. Also remember we have paladins, who are better than shamans in almost every way.

Sure WotF is a better racial, but escape artist isn’t garbage. If WotF didn’t have the immunity portion it would be alot better.

Racial imbalance isn’t what makes vanilla bad. The fact that warriors and mages are essentially god classes is, among other things.

Yeah warriors are just ridiculously OP in vanilla. Even in pve they’re by far the best tank, and the best dps, at least until Naxx when casters pull close to even, then they’re only marginally better. Warriors are the only class that get a free pass on the hybrid tax.