What is the argument against merging solo shuffle and 3v3?

basically verbatim what I was going to say. One really good example would be Halo 3’s “MLG” playlist. It was still extremely competitive at the higher end (albeit not as competitive as custom games against other teams), and if you queued as a team of 4 it would heavily prefer to match you against other teams of 4, queue as team of 3 you would get a random against another 3+1, etc etc. It almost never queued you up against random individuals as a team of 3 or 4 unless it was super dead.

If bungie (rip) devs were able to accomplish this almost 2 decades ago and have it feel fun to play most of the time, I dont see why blizzard devs cant now. I just mention halo 3 specifically as it was an incredibly successful game that came out around when arenas first started. Sure, there were problems here and there, admittedly it could be super frustrating if you were repeatedly running into tournament players over and over again and getting stomped, but it was still overall really fun

That you may as well just remove RSS if you’re going to do that. It would feel like placement games for organized teams, and be demoralizing for the queued players.

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I can tell you read absolutely nothing on this thread. Gj.

Why would I read a thread to answer a question that was in the title?

Make it happen!! Merge it all.
And bring out a new 5v5 solo shuffle

Like I said in my example, solo players queuing at 2kmmr will be better players than premades at 2kmmr and it will be roughly equal matchups because the premades have the advantage of coordination/ a good comp, but the solo players will be better players. In modern wow arena comp is not that important anymore, the team who does more damage will almost always win. They have designed it like this on purpose, this isn’t cata classic.

Getting an unlucky matchup in merged flex queue is literally no different to getting an unlucky SS lobby (1 caster vs 3 melee) or getting a counter comp in 3v3. So what. You just go next. The truth is that the mmr system combined with all the random variables you experience across hundreds of games addresses all these issues. This is the exact same type of nay-saying that delayed SS coming out for so many years, even though we’ve already seen it proven wrong with SS??? The only decent argument I saw was the one guy talking about PVP rewards.

Yes, and so what? People constantly cried about 3v3 and LFG, people constantly cry about problems with solo shuffle? People will cry about any game mode no matter what because no game mode can be perfect. Obviously any solo player would be higher mmr in a premade rather than solo, but there will still be tons of solo players queuing it up just for fun or in attempt to find new partners they vibe with. This system just encourages you to actually be social in an mmo? Crazy I know.

This doesn’t really convince me. Seems way too niche and like you said it already happens now anyway. Blizzard should just do their job that we pay them a monthly subscription for and ban these people.

To avoid posting the same thing that has already been said 10 times and responded to 10 times maybe? Idk?

I don’t see the point of merging game modes just to bring out another new mode. I think we need less fragmentation of PvP, not more.

In my perfect world I would like there to be as little queueable game modes as possible:

  • .Flex queue 3v3 (or maybe 4v4 to reduce queue times, but this is probably too radical of an idea)
  • .Flex queue 2v2
  • .Blitz
  • .Random epic BG
  • .Brawl? But tbh idk if this even needs to exist
  • .Massive incentivized world pvp, make war mode give double resources gathered in non-flying zones, add some good ways to farm gold or good cosmetics in the current patches zone, force people to actually interact with the world again instead of sitting in Dornogal 24/7. I Miss Nazjatar, Timeless Isle etc.

That’s it. No reason for skirmishes, random bgs, or anything else imo. Random bg’s are just an inferior version of blitz for good players to stomp noobs. Much better if noobs play at 1200mmr bracket and have more competitive matches against each other imo.

You’re under no obligation to reply to anyone if you don’t feel it merits your attention.

It doesn’t make sense to put a solo mode into premades for a ranked game mode. That is just pure stupidity and it needs to stop being brought up.

Thats like mixing rated battlegrounds with battleground blitz. And the gameplay is completely different as well

You haven an organized team vs an unorganized random team. Thats not fair if rating is involved


Same old boring arguments over and over, just gonna stop repeating myself. Wasting my time.

No because then rng is even more of a factor. Whats fonna happen when every game I face rogue mage X and Im stuck with ret ret shaman or ret dk X? Solo shuffle is the best of the worst possible scenarios.

1 round rss merged with nerds queuing in vc would just be a disaster

Just make it so you can choose 5 comps you would play before queueing up and disable class stacking.

Make cr gains and losses 1/2 for first 2 games u play with ur team

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Premade would be facing premades more than 90% of the time.

Man, you guys ever play anything besides WoW.

Its like y’all have been stuck in a 2010 gaming bubble.

Youd be surprised how many competitive games out there handle these elements and its completely fine.


No. Don’t have time, gotta grind M+ gear on my Warlock.

You would still win and lose roughly 50% of your matches because that’s how mmr works. You don’t understand mmr.

If you started queuing as a premade then your mmr would increase.

It’s okay if you don’t understand. Your narrow minded take on this is probably due to inexperience

There is a reason solo shuffle is the way it is
Its called “solo” shuffle, not team shuffle.