What is that 'one thing' you're going to do differently this time?

I will not spend dkp on tank gear in MC as a shaman even though that shield made me a boss in ubrs…

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Play horde.

<------ hit the character limit of 50.

I had a serious problem.


Wear a headset and actually hang out in Discord to become more involved in the day to day of the guild.

My circle of friends in Vanilla was my family.

I have always had the opinion that MORE world PvP happens on PvE servers as it’s not just high level players one shotting low level players.

That one thing I’ll do differently? Actually use the Auction House.

rofl… I’m serious, when I first played a decade or so ago, I didn’t use the AH at all. I think I just didn’t understand it back then, or know how useful it could be, or maybe I thought it cost extra subscription money or something (who knows, lol).


And not buy white vendor items or wear greys ? at level 40+ …


Actually level the 1st class I began playing, Mage, to 60.
I got to about level 20 and said nah, I’ll be a Warlock, and a Priest, and a Paladin.

I’m giving the Mage the full try this go around.


While you didn’t make any extra money, at least you didn’t get addicted to buying things and losing money! Happens to a lot of us :slight_smile:


i was a hardcore raider in vanilla. extreme no lifer. us 15th KT kill.

this time im actually going to enjoy the ride.


In vanilla, I only leveled warrior to 60.

This time I might try level (warrior, warlock, mage, rogue) to level 60. or maybe level all the classes to level 60. :grinning: lol

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This time around, I don’t want to play what others want me to play. I want to play a retribution paladin with a focus on WPvP. Raiding is fun, but nothing is more enjoyable than slaughtering some Horde with a class people consider a meme. :1st_place_medal:


The same things I posted the other 30 times this has already been asked.

insist on playing feral instead of stupid resto

[quote=“Millecentia-aegwynn, post:11, topic:259917”]
nds to refer to those who prefer PVE content as opposed to PVP content. PVE realms are commonly referred to as “
[/quote]I started on a pvp realm (spinebreaker). what I noticed was how so many of these PVPers idea of world PVP was to camp someone who was 30 or 40 levels lower than they were. This time around, hubby and I are just going to enjoy life on a pve realm

Collect recipes and no longer available transmog items . I have a theory that they will eventually open servers for every expansion. Allowing you to transfer or copy your characters to the new servers. This will lead to eventually merging all that characters achievements, transmogs and items with your main account. I am playing the long game could be 5-7 years. If I am wrong… oh well it will be fun.

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Hey man, after all the troll posts and negativity I just wanted to talk about something positive for a minute. Have a good day and if you think of something interesting that’ll keep us occupied, please share it! We’re all going kinda crazy with the wait :slight_smile:


Stick to one character.

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Spend my silver more wisely.

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I leveled several characters, and never focused on one. That may not change.

Each character had a different crafting specialty. I probably won’t change that either.

I spent most of my time solo, ended up just questing to 60, and rarely ever did dungeons. I think that is the thing I will change. I’ll try to find a nice guild, group with them as much as possible, and focus on one character while they’re active. If nothing is going on in the guild, I’ll play my other characters.