What is that 'one thing' you're going to do differently this time?

Rushing to 60 when the game launched wasn’t really a thing back then. People were just trying to figure the game out.


Not level as Balance. :rofl:


Going to try and help more people and be social. My first time through the game I barely interacted with anyone and I had a hard time leveling. I am going to be a total bro and make friends where ever I can.


I want to find an awesome guild, raid hardcore, get my T3, eventually get an Atiesh, and rock faces in PvP with them. Which is totally different from the blue/green geared, friendless, guildless, no-raid or dungeon scrub warlock I was in original Vanilla. I am determined as hell to make that not the case this time around.


I love this! This is the attitude I wanna see on here. I hope you’re on Mankrik Horde so I can meet you :slight_smile:


I’m going to play a shaman as my main instead of a mage. My alt will be a mage though. XD

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i want to duel and dance irl


Me too! By the time I hit 60 in vanilla, I wasn’t in a position to be a grinder for a raiding guild. I just didn’t have the 6 hrs a day to grind for mats and do other things so I could never raid. I hope you find the best fit for you and you get to experience everything!


I agree with quite a few words here

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I’m not even joking- hit 50 chars on my account and NEVER ONCE levelled a shaman. I’m not even playing with you, your post has made me think of rolling a shaman alt just to see what it’s like.

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Hahaha XD You should give it a try! They’re lots of fun, and they shoot lightning :smiley:


“Carebear” is an insult directed to PvE players by PvP players.
PvE players just answer by rolling their eyes.
In my case, I also think some very nasty things which would get me banned if I posted them.
There are ten types of Carebears, I am Grumpy Bear.


I’m all about shooting things out of various orifices :stuck_out_tongue:

good aim?


I’ve never taken it as an insult- it’s just a different perspective on playing.

Remember- something is only an insult if you take it to heart. I find it endearing myself and it doesn’t bother me at all :slight_smile:

Haha omg :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: me too XD

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Then you are more like Tenderheart Bear. :slight_smile:

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I’m totally down with whatever pejorative you wanna use. I have no shame in rolling PVE because we’re all here for different reasons. I want to explore and examine all the lore; you’re here for the war aspect and I totally respect that! I enjoy PVP immensely- when I was levelling on Dalaran during Vanilla I spent weeks in the Barrens at levels 16-19 getting one-shotted by Alliance during world pvp. It was so much fun! But I could also rez and go back to questing whenever I was ready.

We’re all here for a different experience and it’s amazing that we can have it in Classic and that’s why I’m so excited! I wish you well in your PVP and hope you do well in your endeavors :slight_smile:


first time was as guild leader and helping others achieve thier desires. This time i’ll be the adventurer and achieve my desires… to level and have fun. Not in a rush to get there… looking forward to enjoying the journey.


I really want to take my time with levelling, I don’t want to get caught up in rushing to participate in end game content. I want to have decent breaks from questing, get really focused on professions and go out of my way to help people when they ask. I want to help make the community great again. I just want to relax and only do things I find fun.