What is something in gaming that makes u sad

The end.

Whether it be the end of a gaming series. Friendships that end.

Just. The end.

I am the very model of a scientist Salarian!
I’ve studied species, Turian, Asari, and Batarian…



Ending 1 of Snoot Game.
Also ending 2, but that one is at least salvageable.

I randomly think about this from time to time. And from my whole heart, I truly hope they never do remake/remaster/reboot/redu to Chrono Trigger like they did to FF7. More so now that Akira Toriyama has passed away. He wasn’t just a big name artist for the game either, he worked with and along side the writers and developers to ensure that the characters that he created fit well within the game’s world and overall theme.

I just be lucky enough I kept my consoles and games in working condition and play again occasionally. Even introduced the kiddos to Mutant League Football, hands down the best sports game ever created, as well BattleToads. When they claim their Roblox is hard, I pop that in and have them do the Speeder level with Pimple (the big one), or if they really get sassy, the TMNT NES version and have them do the water zone without picking Mikey lol.

Sea of Stars was very entertaining.

On the theme of the thread’s topic.

Was 14 when this happened. Was sadden by it then, still sad by it now to a point of how out of touch things were then and still are now to a degree that this event is getting mirrored so much, it now overlaps multiple areas and all under the guise of “for the greater good.”

That h1z1 just survive just ended the way it did and never got the love (development) it deserved.

Never again will I experience WoW as something new, cool, and unknown.

The feels… :sob:

“Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong.”


Season passes.

And to drive home those feels…


an absolute gut punch


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I don’t think I’ve ever been able to finish ME3 after my first run. I usually quit just before the Tuchanka mission :smiling_face_with_tear: Everything in that game just hurts too much.

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its a sad day for us both, id sell a kidney for asura’s wrath 2 bro i got into this game like few weeks ago and i was disappointed to find out it wouldn’t have a damn sequel

That Naughty Dog transitioned from making games like Jak and Daxter to making “super realistic” games, and refuses to even consider making another Jak game.

Or that Golden Sun will probably never see another game entry as Dark Dawn bombed and Camelot is almost entirely a support studio for Nintendo now.

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How some game companies are getting more and more greedy with monetization. And some that want to delete games after a certain amount of time.

In gaming? or the lore? because everyone is sad about something in game. Im sad the community isn’t more welcoming, in not just this but gaming culture in general it seems. If your a “noob” prepare to be bullied until u get better or quit.

That I can’t find a regular M+ group and that I think it’s too late in the expansion to do so.

I’m honestly thinking of quitting again until the expansion hits.

both idc which i just made this post to express how sad i am that one of my favorite games will never prob (i hope it does) gets a remake/remaster/sequeol

Instances where a gaming article is straight up lying and a game suffers for it. Like what happened with Rule of Rose

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