What is something in gaming that makes u sad

im sad asuras wrath will never get a sequel or possibly a remaster


The broken/lost ones stories :cry:

Especially the part in the swamp of sorrows where you are trying to help that guy save his oldest friend, but he’s not going to make it. You watch his friend mourn him and prophet Velen comes to deliver him to the afterlife, so he wouldn’t go alone.


The Knights of the Old Republic remake was put on hold indefinitely :sob:.


that i don’t know if i will ever have real fun playing a game anymore due to my perceiving everything as bad (mainly violence). Maybe I should buy Stardew Valley or something. Or just play Farmville on facebook or solitaire for windows.


No Chrono Trigger remake/remastered/sequel. :sob:

And I don’t count chrono cross as a sequel, so don’t get me started.


I miss Ogre Battle…

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Gotnov, have you ever tried clicker games like Cookie Clicker? They may scratch that progression/positive-feedback-loop itch but most are very peaceful/good-natured.

(If your hand gets tired, and you’re playing on a computer, you can also use an auto clicker program!)

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That my favourite RPG of all time, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, wont ever get another game set in that world.

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I played that and ran into a game breaking bug and never could finish it lol.

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Gnomes, gnomes make me sad.

Yeah the game is quite janky and it’s usually recommended to have the unofficial patch. I think the GoG version may even come with it now.

Though the reactivity to player choices is second to none.

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That we can only experience these great games for the first time once.


I’m sad we’ve reached a point in gaming/game development where it’s beginning to be observed as an actual form of high art, but older games and titles important to the industry and the development of that art are going to continue to grow more inaccessible as time goes by.

Some libraries (VERY few and far between mind you) are starting archive and preserve games and game peripherals in their media libraries, but if there’s ever a point in the future where people view games on par with the other fire arts, it’s going to be rough to play media the way it was originally intended to be played.

This is unfortunately true for a lot of old media. Plenty of stories, books, even reels of animation just get lost to time due to a lack of preservation, or an over privatization of the work.

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irl friends who have left, and I have no way to contact them anymore.


I’m a little sad that this current gen has yet to give me anything really amazing, all of the games i really love to play on my PS5 are just PS4 games or remakes of PS4 games, if you look at games like The Last of Us Part II or Red Dead 2, there really isn’t much around that looks better, at least not in the genres i like.

I’m really itching to see GTA VI, the new Fable game, Witcher 4, The Last of Us Part III etc, but i don’t think i’ll see any of them until the Playstation 6 is nearly here, or at least the Playstation 5 Pro lol

Probably my own fault for buying a new Playstation on day 1.

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A gripe across several companies, but letting iconic franchises languish or carry on with the bare minimum.

Like Konami just sitting on Castlevania, or only touching Metal Gear Solid to try getting in on the “remaster everything” money. Or Capcom refusing to do anything with Mega Man beyond releasing compilations.

You’ve got cases where the creators try to continue their legacy outside of the companies they used to work for, of course, but unfortunately that only works out some of the time.

But I digress, we’ll probably never have another great game starring Alucard, or Soma, or a Belmont, we’ll probably never see a new proper Metal Gear title, and we’ll never get an X9 or Legends 3.

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Gaming’s part of my childhood. I think any sadness I feel about gaming is more nostalgia for those days when life was simple and I couldn’t wait to get home from school to play some WoW.

Not sure if anything in gaming will ever be as exciting to me as Burning Crusade and Wotlk launches

Maybe life can be simpler now! Any complexity that you’re adding yourself and don’t need to be? Or got room for roomies to make life cheaper? Also excuse my extreme noseyness you don’t have to answer lol

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I come to gams to cheer up. They don’t make me sad.