What is so good about FF?

I mean you can, but you don’t have to.

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Lalafell, good

PvE, good

Storyline, good

PvP, meh

Storyline, can feel like it’s dragging when you just want to hit skip and go to the next objective.

That’s being generous.


Haven’t found gear yet that doesn’t look like that lol.

It’s basically what you start with.

I do like the game. But from first glance at 9.1 they’re throwing casual players and PvP players under the bus again and introducing a whole new system only available to raiders which makes almost no sense. This expansion is going to be Warlords of Draenor all over again if people are just signing in to raid log.


Unless the mmo is totally focused on PvP, like Age of Camelot, PvP content is usually meh.



  • Professions matter. Like, really matter.
  • There are separate class and role stories. Class identity matters.
  • The main story is cohesive and enjoyable, and it only gets better as it goes on.
  • I haven’t hit any artificial time gates.
  • You can own a house and it requires upkeep (for better or worse, depending on what you play for).
  • I GOT A BROOM MOUNT! A BROOM! Blizzard, please… It’s been ages. Where is my broom mount?

TL/DR: Class identity, RPG stuff, professions.

Other Stuff

  • Customization is an important feature to the devs.
  • The developers are constantly communicating with the players.
  • No CRZ. Server communities are still a thing here.

IDK much about end game itself, but I hear good things. I also hear WoW does competitive content better, but I’m not playing WoW for competitive content and I never have, yet it feels like that’s all Blizzard is focusing on lately with World of Warcraft.

I’d say FFXIV feels a little like Classic in ways, but modernized. But, yeah, if you’re not a fan of Anime you probably won’t like this game.


Yeah every race has their own starting outfit. You’re supposed to be a brand new adventurer when you start out so your gear is kind of plain and fairly ridiculous for some classes.

Yeah, but classing pvp in FFXIV is generous. The pvp in FFXIV I would call pretty bad.

WoW PvP has really fallen from grace lately. Yea WoW PvP is mechanically better but it certainly isn’t something to brag about in its current state


Elder Scrolls starts me out in rags (like every TES game)
WoW starts me out in basic clothing
FF14 started me out in a school girl outfit


Every expansion has people raid logging, this isn’t some rare occurrence. The moment they add more stuff to do in the game that is “required” for BiS people start crying about chores and how Blizzard doesn’t respect their time. It doesn’t matter what Blizzard does the masses on the forum are going to complain and throw a temper tantrum.


Its a pretty fun game honestly. Decent story, fun classes, but it suffers in the end game imo also the gcd is just to much for me.

No… FFXIV did not start you out in a school girl outfit.

Wanna know how I know? Because they literally have a school girl outfit.


I tried it a couple months ago. Lasted about 10 minutes. The game kept telling me I couldn’t go anywhere else until I talked to some dude or whatever. bye.


I’ve actually started and stopped twice. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game though. I’ve just been at war with myself when it comes to undertaking another MMO. Blizzard has trained me to think and feel a certain way about MMO’s and how they treat their playerbase.

Only because of the great reviews, the remarkable comments about the team that works on it, and the recent news that FF14 had surpassed WoW, did I finally go back to it.

I’ll finish the MSQ and see what happens. WoW for me at this point in time is pretty much dead until 9.1 so I have time to try it out


Those 10% that got me into the ps4/ps5 version of the FF7 remake did me a service :pray: I’m actually excited for the new character.

That said, while I play it for the story and not the “gameplay”, I am having trouble finding time to get into the MMO. Not at any fault of the MMO it’s just probably not for me.


You aren’t far enough to state that with confidence.

It’s like being level 4 in wow and thinking you know how the game works


It’s much more casual friendly, especially when it comes to getting geared. It also has a lot of grindable side content for mogs and mounts and such.

People like to knock WoW for being an instance queuing game, but FF14 takes it to a whole new leveling, but it’s also much more rewarding.

Since the game doesn’t have as much challenging content, the players are generally a bit more chill.


They have cat women that why they made Vulpera in WoW

And nice. Instantly invited into a guild and offered many nice gestures.

No one complains in the pugs about anything even when I watch the entire cutscenes for the first time.