What is Remornia?

It is Frostmourne, but better? Frostmourne has many souls trapped in its blade, but Remonornia is identified as a creature with one powerful soul or has a mind of its own?

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I have no idea what you’re talking about. To Google!

Oh yeah, that sword. I forgot that’s what its name is :rofl:


Venthyr liked to create living weapons with souls from the anima they trafficked. Remornia is one of those creations, and after her soul was destroyed in our fight, the empty void there created a prison that Denathrius was then imprisoned in with help from the Light iirc.

I don’t think you can compare those two blades. They don’t seem to operate the same way.

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Correct :100:

Shadowmourne - created to kill beings and imprison their souls in the blade to progress power.

Remornia - created WITH a soul, as a weapon to kill beings and send their souls to the Maw.


What sword? Oh yeah…that one with Denatherius stuck inside. Probably never see him again.

Unless Jaina is Kintessa

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Who is Kintessa?

Blah, to Google again!

Edit: Is this the whole “Jaina is a Dreadlord” thing?


After we beat Big D, Remornia (still alive) cried about how unfair it was and grabbed his soul for storage. She’s not dead.


That makes sense, they are renting a bachelor suite together lol.

Now that its been stolen away, I wonder where they will pop up! Granted, it seems Actiblizz has a habit of just “forgetting” about sword storylines and just leaving them to rot in memory. Can you spell S.I.L.I.T.H… oh you get it.

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One day it will happen. How she didn’t reveal herself during the BFA raid…good question

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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They deliberately kept Denathrius after initially planning to off him just because fans loved him so much, so I’m sure they’ll make use of him again eventually.

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Cough cough…

cough cough

:dragon: :ocean: :cloud: :dragon: :ocean: :cloud:

Blood DKs should get Remornia as an Artifact weapon in 11.0.

Just saying, just saying.

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:man_shrugging:t4: Maybe, but I’m inclined to think that if they didn’t have something specific in mind for him they wouldn’t have bothered saving him.

Maybe, but will they remember him? They do have a habit of forgetting lore

:dragon: :ocean: :cloud::dragon: :ocean: :cloud:

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Questions lead to more questions.one gets answered, more pop up! It’s like a giant sweater that you keep knitting and knitting and knitting and…

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True, true. I’ll just have to hope that Denaddy keeps himself out of the vault labeled “I dunno” that they threw the Vindicaar, The Sword, and Azshara into.

I like to think Shadowlands’ story isn’t real


Seriously, I’d like to know where that one went

Also, ye olde goblin cannon

:dragon: :ocean: :cloud::dragon: :ocean: :cloud:

According to the LFDs, who can teleport up to it whenever they like, it’s just mad chillin’ in low orbit.

Knew I forgot somebody

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