What is RDF?

What is RDF and why is it bad that Blizzard does not implement it?

Never mind… found out it is a Random Dungeon Finder.


YEs it’s RDF and no they haven’t given a good reason not to implement.

Likely they just don’t want to put in the development time.


Its considered a bad decision to not implement because in the original release of WotLK it greatly increased availability to participate in dungeon content.

Blizzard chose not to implement because they felt it eroded the social fabric of the game.

The argument basically boils down to: Is the ease of grouping (which RFD would undoubtedly accomplish) worth having to deal with more players acting like d-bags (which RDF would also undoubtedly accomplish)?

didn’t that come out with the toc patch, will it be added when that hits?

RDF came out with icecrown and the 3 dungeons it adds.

Blizzard has stated that they do not have plans to implement rdf at all, even during icecrown. Many hope they have changed their mind, and many suspect that the decision is made because they actually can’t get it to work instead of the philosophical reasons they provided.


Not to mention it destroys MMO elements in favor of convenience.

You don’t have to actually travel to the dungeon anymore, you just click a button and get instantly teleported there.

You don’t have to talk to people and form groups, the game makes the group for you.

Classic was created specifically to get away from things like RDF. All of the retail tourists don’t seem to understand this.


They want to keep the feel “Classic” despite it being in Vanilla WotLK. I have a feeling whoever’s in charge hasn’t played WoW since 2012.


QoL improvements have been a standard in WoW since vanilla. RDF is no different than CRBG’s in terms of convenience.

Yet it’s fine for BG’s? Or you know just getting a summons.

LFG Tool disagrees that blizzard cares about that, not that whispering “I’ll go” was ever meaningful communication.

That might have applied in vanilla classic(which is still available for those who want it), in terms of wrath RDF is a legitimate classic feature which people rightly want as part of the authentic classic experience.


Opinion not fact.

BG’s and summoning stones say what? Weak argument.

This is only half correct, you are 100% able to form an organically made group choosing the group composition that you want and still use RDF. There is no agency lost, there is no “having to carry people”, etc. You have as much choice with RDF as you have with LFG in group formation and dungeon choice.

Citation needed, otherwise this is your opinion again and not fact.

“Anyone who disagrees with me is a retail player”


Many people believe removing barriers to access content actually reinforces elements of a multi-player concept.

As others have stated, if travelling to the dungeon required additional skill or risk and was thus part of the dungeon experience maybe this would matter. As a matter of fact, many options exist, and have existed since vanilla, to bypass whatever risk is involved in making the journey to the dungeon. Perhaps not having to travel breaks immersion…but the devs have been content to offer all other means of bypassing travelling. Instant transportation is not unique to the LFD feature.

Between add-ons and macros much of anyone’s gameplay is already automated. Why is this particular automation so problematic?

Citation required


It stands for Reporting Degenerate Farmers and Blizz doesn’t want you to be able to report bots and gold sellers anymore. That’s why you can no longer /who and report all the DKs mindlessly farming low level content with names like “ksjhgjkdhfkd”.

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You dont have to travel to the dungeon anymore - summon stones exist and warlocks can summon you inside the instance

You dont have to talk to people now, you just list your gearscore and what you are interested in and people just usually whisper you once and invite you

Classic was created to play classic content - to assume otherwise is pure speculation and assumption on your part unless your dad is the head dev or something

All RDF is is more of the same - but with the caveat that it makes leveling not a horrendous chore. And leveling 1-68 isnt even part of the WOTLK experience.

You don’t have to use RDF, just group with your fellow tunnel dogs

and if you are the social butterfly you claim to be name someone from your super socialization group you ran with a week ago - are they your best friends now? Does it even matter?


do you need a good reason to do whatever you want with your product ? :sweat_smile:

If you’re a business trying to make a profit that’s usually a good idea.

In the case of wrath classic blizzard doesn’t seem to care so apparently not.


Spamming chats, clicking on a tool and mounting + autorunning to a dungeon are inherently MMO features?

None of them require other people.

Know what does?

Running the actual dungeon.


i guess blizzard doesnt like money cause they just lost my sub forever


The fact that won’t do a genuine poll for Classic players for this one dang thing. Speaks volumes.

OSRS thrives because the devs listen to the community. It would be wild if Blizz did that.


I fall under this camp.
Just look at this forum and the many flame wars. Is this the “social interaction” they want to promote?
Honestly I rather just have a system where I can group up quickly instead of waiting in the current LFG system which doesn’t provide any more “social interaction” than “H+ or H?” in whispers.
As a DPS you’re lucky to get an invite within an hour (unless it’s daily, those usually dont take long).
I made a healer and she gets invited within minutes at level 80 (had to dual spec because it was impossible to find groups otherwise while leveling).
So it appears tanks and healers don’t need RDF… DPS absolutely does.

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RDF is the only way servers with a ~population of 8 players will experience any dungeon content short of being ‘carried’ through lower level dungeons by level 80’s.
Just to clarify, the population of my server is between 3 and 18; of those 5 are in a exclusive guild and only play with their own group.


These people think RDF isn’t needed now with single digit players on some of these servers, when back in the day it was needed with millions of players. Absolute copium/reality detachment.