What is raiding in retail like?

I mean I haven’t seen a classic raid without an healers that ignored all mechanics.

Have you seen any classic guilds going into a raid knowing/expecting just 1 single boss will take 200+ pulls?

It’s a stupid golf trick.

It’s like somebody holds the boss, while 5 other guys run through an obstadcle course, and the rest do backflips on a land-mine range.

Retail raiding is too much the opposite of classic. Mechanics are cool and all, bro, but, enough is enough.

People are seriously gonna have to learn to juggle in game literally in SL :stuck_out_tongue:


Problem is that there is no accomplishment. If everyone has cleared AQ40 and is walking in the same gear, it’s just the status quo.

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Sometimes I feel like there are trolls trying to see how far they can get the buff at

Yeah, I get what you’re saying, but it still shows that you put in the effort. Not “everyone” is in a guild that can clear AQ or will clear Naxx. It takes a level of commitment.

TBC will be a little better in that regard, IMO. As I recall, the smaller raids and tighter tuning mean fewer bads can be carried. Buff exploits being fixed will make gear and skill matter more.

And hey, at least Classic and TBC actually have a community in which people can show off their gear, unlike retail, which has no community.

I dont understand why people keep saying this… I didnt have fiber, but I definitely had broadband in 2005…so I guarantee you that the people in world first guilds had broadband… People always acting like everyone was using cans and string as internet during vanilla.

I prefer the easy and laidback raiding of Classic. I despise the modern raid difficulty structure.

Mythic wipes number in the hundreds per boss. Who the HELL wants to play that. The loot lasts but a few scant months and youre back at it again - wiping hundreds of times per encounter.

THATs what drove players away. No one wants to wipe for weeks on the same boss.

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I dont buy that. There’s a negligible difference in time. Raids are harder nowadays - its by design.

I couldnt agree more.

Cthun was up for months. It was bugged… but it definitely took hundreds of wipes.
Horseman was up for 7ish weeks and wasnt bugged.

Definitely several bosses in vanilla that took at least 100 wipes, if not the 500+ bosses like heroic rag took.

It took guilds hundreds of wipes to figure out that there’s a small safe spot on Four Horsemen if you tank them right. That’s why they were up for 50+ days unbugged.

You didn’t get a dungeon journal in 2006 everyone was going in completely blind.

You know what, so what? The difficulty is just getting the piece you want and winning the roll.

I like that. I guess youre one of these people that can sustain wiping HUNDREDS of times in mythic raids. I dont have tolerance for it.

Nah there’s other difficulties for people who aren’t into that kind of thing.

You want to look at what drove players away it’s everything outside of raiding.

We weren’t completely blind. Some guilds were secretive but there was still plenty of information out there, its not like the internet hadnt been invented yet…

Regardless of the reason, the point stands… they took hundreds of wipes before people figured out a strat and executed it

Retail raiding is “do your 10-button rotation while moving out of 5 different types of fire”.

Retail is just a 3rd person shooter with very very light RPG elements, at this point.

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People dont desire the lesser gear that non-mythic raiding provides. Why do you think Mythic+ is so popular. Few want to slog though the hundreds of wipes that modern raids require. Even less have the time to.

You just explained why mythic isn’t popular. Gear is a horrible motivator right now, the only people doing mythic plus are people who like wiping hundreds of times per boss or really want that fancy title(which will also go away in a few months when the new fancy title comes out). Maybe that’ll change in shadow lands.

Between gear resets every few month, forging and world quests giving you very high end gear if you are doing mythic for gear you are doing it wrong. When i stopped playing BFA I was in basically heroic level gear from doing nothing other LFR/world quests and a few mythic dungeons.

People keep saying it because it was an honest barrier to entry for some people. My older brother could not play because he had a complete potato ISP. Obviously not true for all, but definitely a factor for that time period.

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Also many people had terrible computers. PC gaming wasnt as big in 2004-2006.