What is one of your Christmas Day traditions?

Will try to make this short.
As kids my sister was terminally ill. Every year she was still with us she always wanted jelly roll and a fresh bottle(glass) of Coca-cola(couldn’t be Pepsi or generic) Chirstmas morning for breakfast.

To this day over 30 years later I still make sure to go get a bottle of Coke and make a jelly roll. I’m the only one who holds her tradition up to this day.


Im sure shes proud you do


I take a nap. Merry Christmas!


It’s a day our daughter gets to share with both parents, like the other sacred days (Halloween and Comic-con).

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After the festivities, I sit and play Wow. :slight_smile: (unless i’m into some other game at Christmas time- but its usually wow)

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Man that was the best nap EVER!

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We never did a traditional Christmas dinner growing up. We did meat and cheese trays, (I don’t know the proper term,) but we’d have sliced summer sausage, salami, different cheeses, crackers, pickles, olives, the little weenies in bbq sauce. I keep that going, and now that I’m grown I add doing everything Christmas Eve, have the dinner, watch Elf, and after the movie presents.


TNG marathon


Make and eat a fruitcake and mince pie. Seriously, I love them.

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Get stuff and eat Roast Beef for the second time this year.

Honestly kind of wish i have a TV with basic cable so i can… sit on my butt and watch those all day while i drink my eggnog. Those are the days before i just sit on my butt infront of a computer all day while i drink my coffee which i wish it was eggnog flavored. :slightly_frowning_face:

Or Jumanji with Robin Williams. :wink:


i only got like 3.

  1. work - i work as a cook so most of the time i have to work on christmas and other major holidays. my state has state only holidays as well like 10 of um so it feels literally once every month i think i work all those as well but sadly we don’t get holiday pay for those.

  2. watch movies at the theater. i really hate going out on holidays tbh. usually it’s super busy and depending on the movie it’s hit or miss sometimes it’s a good movie other times its like bruh i just wasted my time. tonight my sister wants to go watch house of gucci. none of us care to watch it but her.

  3. usually we go out and eat out at a buffet. since my mom passed away though we kinda don’t do this one anymore or we do but with covid it’s hard due to covid rules here.

a 4th one would be to go visit my sister in san francisco. but idk since my mom died my dad doesn’t want to travel but now he does so it’s iffy. maybe next year we will go visit her. christmas in Hawaii imo is boring af. like we live here and live on an island not much to really do for us. every year it’s the same ole thing. plus i liked this one as it got me out of work regardless since i won’t even be here to even work.

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Merry Christmas to all!

Normally every Christmas morning myself, my husband, my brother and his wife, my dad & mom & my grandma would eat breakfast together and then open presents, but I lost my mom unexpectedly last November so we didn’t celebrate last year. But we kept the tradition going this year which I’m so happy about, just really missing my mom :slightly_frowning_face:


Theoretically,It’s everyday you open your eyes.