What is needed the most?

From a raiding perspective is it tanks, healers, or dps for this server? Been away for a long time and then got sucked into the toxic pit that is classic. Need a break from that environment and interested in checking this out for real.

Honestly you could go either tank or healer, thanks to the toxic role environment no one really wants to be a tank or a healer, and I don’t blame them… in a day and age where no one takes responsibility for their own actions it’s always the “healer or tank’s” fault that someone stood in fire :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: and WoW in either iteration is no exception to other MMOS.

I’d say good ranged dps (mages, etc.) has been in higher demand nearly this entire expansion.

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Every quality guild has more than enough tanks/heals active/subbing IMO.
Agreed w/ above. Range DPS are needed.
Too many melee DPS

Warlocks and mages

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