What is great many?

While leaving a group from time to time is part of the game, doing so excessively is not normal and has a pretty negative impact on the rest of the players doing the content.

The stats they are using target the top percent of “leavers” - not the way most people play the game.

NOBODY SAID THAT. Stop exaggerating. That is beyond ridiculous to act like people can’t ever leave groups. Blizzard did not say that, nobody said that - except you.


Don’t leave because 1 person died or because the tank pulled 2 groups instead of 3.

You know, be reasonable.

If the GM specifically stated it was a lot more than others in similar situations did or would do. The player who was banned knows why, they know just how many groups they left. They even state that it was a lot more than 10 and then went on a strange rant about it.


Fact check: True.

Weird how none of em seem to be capable of giving a number for that.

To paraphrase Chuck from Supernatural, they are cruel capricious gods.

It’s a rate stat, once you reach the threshold for runs attempted, if you’re leaving at a high enough rate, that’s who’s getting suspended.

It’s not a, ‘well this person has run 100 M+ dungeons and left 40 of them, and this person has done 14,753 M+ dungeons but they’ve also left 40 of them, so both are banned’, thing.


They are quite capable. They do not want to share that information so that people can’t try to game the system.

They know the numbers. They could tell us.

Sometimes, no means no. They are not going to share that data.


and we are back at square one because you refuse to acknowledge the point that all people who play more will have inflated outlier stats and they have no idea how to know if their stat is going to go beyond some arbitrary threshold thus their only option to not cross the arbitrary threshold is to never leave a group.

idk why you keep pretending like you dont understand this.

The reason you want to know that number is so you can leave X-1 dungeons per time period.

Which is exactly why they’re not giving you the number.


that would be nice if it were true.

the entire point is we dont know if that is true or even what exactly is.

I get what you are saying Platinumtwo. However you are demanding a number you will never get and you are exaggerating the entire situation to extremes.

You have all the answers you are going to get. You are going to have to learn to deal with that. You won’t be getting more.

You seem to just want to argue for the sake of arguing and demanding things you will never get.


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Yes we do, that’s the point of the system, to suspend those who leave often. Leaving often is a rate stat, not an amount stat.

please show me where i demanded a number though? i said clear cut rules. and you know exactly what i meant. idk why you are just unable to awknowledge that some more clarity would help the situation and not harm it.

they literally dont even have to post exact data. just tell us that 99.9% of us wont be affected. but they refuse to do that. you know thats the case yet you are being extremely hyperbolic for some reason, super weird.

back to square one. how much is leaving often?

It’s not back to square one. This is the final square. You don’t get to know because then you’ll feel empowered to leave that often, and when you’re approaching the threshold, you’ll change your behavior to avoid the punishment.

The goal here is to make you question leaving altogether, not give you an exact equation of how often you can leave.

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Yeah, they seem to he saying they got a 7 day ban for leaving 10 groups in 14 hours…

Thats way lower than I would have guessed…but I guess we are starting to get numbers.

10 drops, but what is the actual timeframe they are using.

See above. You want the leaver threshold. The “speed limit”. You want the magic number.

You are not getting it.

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i see. so because you refuse to awknowledge that some more clarity will help, you are just gonna strawman now? lol wow.


You just want to argue, change your goal posts. I guess you are enjoying it. You are never getting the number you want. You won’t get it because it would HELP people game the system.

Have fun with that.

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erm. isnt that literally what rules are about? or idk do you just want repeat offenders because they dont know where the line is

But it’s not going to help Blizzard accomplish what they want to do, which is deter the leaving, it’s only going to help you be just enough of the problem to avoid getting punished, no more no less.

That’s not something Blizzard wants to help you with, that’s why you’re not getting the number.

Or put in terms of your example, Blizzard doesn’t want people driving the speed limit, they want people driving way under the speed limit. They’re not going to tell you what the speed limit is, because if they do, you’ll drive it, and they don’t want you to drive it. If they don’t tell you what it is, many people will drive much slower to avoid the risk of a speeding ticket altogether.

lol sure. whatever you say. still unable to awknowledge that more clarity is a benefit and not going to let the “big bad boogeymen cheaters run rampant” cause they know the rule