What is great many?

I’m not against the ban wave but it’s so ambiguous, “great many” what does that mean? Kinda like the mount drops “greatly increased” chance lol

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More than very few.


Well we definitely needed another thread on this.

The great many we already had wasn’t enough.

The important question though is, did you get your 8?


It’s not a “ban wave”. They are only like 10 day suspensions. The ban wave begins when people don’t change their behaviour, and even then it will only escalate if lessons still aren’t learned.


Three, four tops.


I think those who are worried about whether or not their numbers equal “great many” are probably part of the problem regardless of if they’re actually the ones being targeted.


They’re not going to say “500 is bad but 499 is alright” because then people will feel free to leave the first 499.


Some better clarification would be nice.

But if you weren’t suspended in the wave, then presumably carry on with how you’ve been playing.


If they gave you a number, you already know players would push all the way up to it.


Not sure they’ll give it. If they do, it would be a way for trolls or less to figure out a way of avoiding a suspension.

“Oh, I only bailed for 39 runs, definitely not 40, which would cause a suspension (potentially).”

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My friend who’s dad works with a guy who knows a guy who’s cousin works in the mail room at Blizz HQ overhead the other day, that it’s between 1 and 350

Seriously, they’d never say. It might even be case by case

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:


also more then some. but not less then many. so who knows. tee hee blizz is so vague and quirky

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okay? how is it bad that people know to not go over a speed limit?

that is possibly the dumbest logic i have ever encountered and the exact reason we dont use that kind of logic for rules irl

They are not going to give the specific limits on the numbers used. The Hacks team sets a thershold and players who go over that get flagged. Right now there are suspensions, this thread states the person got 7 days.

Here are the two Blue posts in that thread about M+ leaver penalties.

Poster claimed that the Hacks team and Devs don’t play WoW…which resulted in:


Considering greatly increased for mounts, as you are mentioning, is maybe a couple %, the same logic should be applied to leaving keys.

Just as a mount might have 1-3% drop chance, if you are in that extreme outlier of the top 1-3% of key leavers then you might have to worry. Even then, you can probably leave like 30 keys a week and never see any punishment.

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oh thats hilarious. so essentially bro got banned for playing the game too much. anyone that plays more then the average player will have all their statistics be considered outlier stats

i guess it really is the intended purpose to make everyone just silently suffer with bads in their group because we have no idea what their threshold is.

with zero clarity on what he did exactly wrong, the rule breaker has no idea what he did wrong besides it being “too many leaves”?

how does the rule breaker correct their behavior for the future? seems the only logical thing is to never leave a group in the future if you dont want to be come an “outlier”

time to hold people hostage in m+ i guess.

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No, if you have any amount of reading comprehension, you would know that the amount of leaving he did was numerous. When compared to others his leaving was well above reasonable.

That’s not just playing the game.


ok lets assume you are right, which you arent because you are also just guessing based on their vague rules.

how does he know what to not do again? he doesnt. all he knows is to never leave groups now and report literally everyone for everything.

that is literally wanting player to be held hostage in m+ groups. idk how you are unable to see that this is the logical conclusion

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No, bro got suspended for LEAVING lots and lots of Mythic+ runs.

Yes, lots and lots and lots of quitting. Excessive amounts of quitting.

That is very untrue. Leaving once in a while is fine. You don’t want to be the person leaving dozens or hundreds (we don’t know) of groups.

Leaving groups is not playing the game… it is the opposite. It is quitting and refusing to play the group content they signed up for - to the extent it is actively harming the player base.

Do you enjoy all the hyperbole or something? Exaggerating and panicking about something that won’t impact anyone except the top of the leavers seems odd. Even then, he got a 7 day suspension, not a perma ban. He will probably be more selective about groups and stick with more of them.


and that is part of playing the game. unless you think its right to be held hostage in m+ groups? maybe you do think its right.

oh i see so just never leave a group so you arent suspended again. so you DO agree people should be held hostage in m+

according to you?

not doing the dps you should be doing, not interupting, not dispelling, not avoiding mechanics, is also “harming the player base” so idk why you keep trying to use this faulty logic as it could be applied to everyone that doesnt do the above mentioned.

i like clear cut rules. not vague arbitration. you calling people wanting clear cut rules panic and exaggeration is the hyperbole here.