What is going on?

Game is running like hot garbage ALL DAY and not a SINGLE WORD from Blizz. AT LEAST ACKOWLEDGE THE ISSUES AND GIVE AN ETA. Really poor customer service.


They have acknowledged it once on the tech support forums and twice on Twitter.
They’re working on it. (Does that really need to be said?)

You ask for an ETA but you’d probably be the first to crucify them if their ETA is wrong. If not you, many others would.


How about a notification on the launcher where the general public can see it? Or a pinned response on the top of the forums? Why are you defending them for terrible service?


Yes. Acknowledgement of said issue and confirmation of said issue being worked on with an estimated time of correction is part of customer service.


It’s not unreasonable to think there should be an in game notice for a service being so wonky. Most services would have it right on login so people don’t get mad and spam their customer support. Not doing it is just as egregious as having the issue really. Especially when it is something nobody would go looking for until after something goes wrong and they have wasted their time.

Why do people apologize so strongly for giant corporations.


Having some sort of notification on the launcher or login screen isn’t unreasonable. They’ve done this in the past as well for things like login server issues or DDoS attacks.


Game is borked, and they don’t even have the balls (or the skills required) to post on the WoW launcher about it.

Basically allowing more people to get screwed.

Some kind of warning would be nice.



They posted Wednesday maintenance on the launcher a few hours ago. They probably don’t have an exact pinpointed cause of the problem because it seems to affect a lot of systems.


This is Blizzard after all, they’re not mavens of communication.

Oh, I know. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make though, which was that expecting more communication isn’t unreasonable. It took Blizzard a while to provide any sort of update this time around.

This is an early access alpha created by a small indie dev team. Cut them some slack.


Yea and my haunted momento in retail no longer works. And in Diablo some of my toons are missing from D3 including my main and for the toons I do have left I no longer have the achievements from having leveled them even though they are right there. Last I logged in it showed I had a level 3 as my highest toon on progress but none of my toons there are that low of a level and it shows I have a 0 levels earned for my main toon that disappeared and most my entire bank is gone as well as almost all the gold there too and in WoW one of my guild banks has almost 99% of the stuff missing with logs showing zero clears from gbank so I go to restore stuff and nothing shows up.

OIg let’s hope we don’t get another banking repeat. They have gotten so incredibly sloppy with data.


Not true, it can be reproduced. EVERY time I have looted a TW boss it happens. If I dont loot, it doesnt happen. Ive tested this, many times, its the same every time. Also on different characters, same thing.


For both WoW and Diablo our banks got emptied. And then in one of my guilds it auto reset guild permissions so that no one could invite or use guild bank in retail WoW. In Cata this also happened not too long ago.


Eek, yeah that was a dark time…even darker was there, oh here this is all we could recover bs. Was a straight rip off.

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Yea if you have any toons from D3 you should go and check up on them…fair warning though… most might be gone. And it was not done by someone logging into my account because there is zero record of them ever having existed as even in game where it shows what your highest ever level is on every class even if you delete it…it shows zero data for any of them and my achievements in D3 are messed up, showing improper stuff… people have asked my why I am not playing the new Diablo 4…that’s why.

Not going to grind to max level, get a bunch of good gear and lots of gold and then have everything Thanos snapped out of existence.

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Game will be available 8:00am PST lets see now I am in NZ…tick tock tick tock…

you mean where they posted in twitter, they posted on their CS forums and they plan to do maitenance tomorrow? idk sounds like they been saying things

Just checked WTF…!!!

8:00 AM Wednesday, Pacific Standard Time PDT UTC-8 is

5:00 AM Thursday, New Zealand NZDT UTC+13 DST


so? they work off their timezone as any sane company would