What is going on with DKs

Blood DKs are absolutely broken I think the worst part is their threat is so insane it makes some fights harder than they need to be for the off tank thats not a Dk. They are #1 dps and #1 tank. Literally better off bringing 2 bloods to a 10 man. 1 to just go unholy for single tank fights.

Someone explain the benefit of having a feral OT over a Blood/unholy offtank.

Yo buff the other tanks. At least make the dmg or threat equal. Jeez. Give kitty a bit more oomf. Idk something.


because balancing classes would involve work, thought and testing but Cata only been out since 2010 they need more time to solve and fix


can we stop making multiple threads of the same topic on alt characters. Thanks.

Sorry to hear this EasyD…


Someone gets to play a druid.

Not really. Sure, Cata originally released as it was then in 2010, and then went through patches and changes while it was live. It was then shelved and now is released in 2024 on the final balancing patch with the earliest content.

It has never been out before now this way.


Cata needs a lot of balance the difference in tanks is really absurd , we have some dps specs with more than 15% difference too , such a easy solve and so far no feedback on any of that

Vengeance, how does it work?


Vengence is the dumbest thing ever

Yeah, it’s too bad all tanks don’t get it.

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