What is going on with blizz gms now?

lol…Im probably the last web designer left that doesnt have all that javascript and google ads trashing the users browsing experience, lol.
I only use HTML and CSS and a snippet here and there of javascript, mostly just to help speed things up, not push ads.
Google used to have rules about how many ads you could push per page. I havent checked, but did they just toss the limitations aside and allow a free for all? lol.

I guess people like to lie and try and take any jab at Blizzard they can get heh. Go figure.

The problem for wowhead (and similar sites) is the cost of running such a site. They either constantly have donation drives, greatly reduce access unless you pay for a membership or they sell ads. It is an ugly truth that someone has to pay for them to keep running.

Edit - and given how much Blizzard loves to use them or direct you to their site, they honestly should be picking up that tab themselves.

They still do stuff.

I was wanting to do the Argent Tournament stuff on this character, which wasn’t implemented for Vulpera (still might not be!) but I put in a ticket and a GM was able to force me past the non-existent quest I needed in order to keep progressing with the campaign.

Another was last expansion when for some reason I didn’t have a recipe I should have had. I was actually mid-raid when the GM contacted me, he had to have me log off so he could play my character for a minute to force a fix on it. I told everyone on the raid team what was happening and he joked around with them some while he was fixing it.


Idk but I haven’t come across a single website in years that hasn’t been blocked in some form by my ad blocker and privacy badger add-ons.


honestly, I keep hearing that kind of thing, but I pay for hosting myself. I can see the prices, even to run servers. Its not that big a pricetag. I could afford to pay for a server myself out of pocket without even blinking. I dont see how its that much more for them to run a server or 4 and NEED to be so bad with the ads.

My ads are low key and they pay maybe 5 times what my hosting costs a month, just from one single website.

My guess is greed took over and theyre making a lot of $$$ for ad revenue.

I guess with the amount of money you can make its just worth it to them to run off a few folks who get too annoyed by ads to bother with the site.
Wowhead is right at my limitation for irritation, lol. Just a couple more ads and I think Id just google some other site to get info from.

Several months ago, we had an AH glitch on our realm, that ate several millions worth of gold of my posts.
4 GMs assured me that my auctions “have been sold and the gold was received”, so basically telling me that I’m lying to them.

Only after my 5-th ticket(each ticket took 1-2 days to respond) I’ve encountered a GM that actually looked at the logs and found the glitch and fixed the glitch, returning lost items to everybody affected.

So yeah, there are good GMs, like that last guy, but what about other 4 that didn’t even bother looking in to the problem, even when I gave them links showing that I wasn’t the only one affected by it, they kept insisting that
“Yep! I did check the mentioned item, totally sold and gold received! Thanks again for contacting us today.”

I remember the days when they would actually talk to you in game. Super helpful. These days, they’re either new, have their hands tied, or simply don’t care about anything other than closing tickets as fast as they can.

Blizz support quality in general has plummeted over the years. For SL I opened a ticket at launch because the Night Fae Covenant mail armor sets for female Zandalari trolls are completely broken. All of them. To this date it hasn’t been fixed. They had 10 months, I opened tons of tickets, filed bug reports… and instead of fixing their stuff they’re working on new cosmetics in 9.1.5. That’s pretty abysmal and it means there’s a complete disconnect between the GM’s and the Devs, and the Devs have no interest in the quality of their work.

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Well I did some there are some that give “questionable” service… I only posted that the OPs experience is not the same everyone has.

Never happy they actually been communicating more here recently. Sorry it ain’t exactly what you want. I never had problems before.

This is patently false. GMs are located in Austin, TX. They are not outsourced.

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Yeah looks like they completely destroyed their customer service department.
Clear sign of a company not run by the people who care about it or their customers.


*nods… definitely can relate to some of that.

Needing help from a GM puts you in a cosmic lottery and maaaaybe you’ll get lucky and connected with someone useful.

Yep… and when they started the outsourcing I was told that I was an idiot… that blizzard wouldn’t do any such thing… uh huh.

If you write tickets like half of you do posts I wonder why I’ve never had a problem with help who knows.

Blizzard wouldn’t - but everyone from Blizzard is gone. Activision is just an executive suite profit center. They’re making purely business oriented decisions towards making profit. The quality of the product means nothing anymore.

The “soul” of Blizzard was sucked dry of it’s anima.

All the Blizzard GMs are live humans who work for Blizzard directly. Most are at the Austin, TX Blizzard office. Blizzard does not outsource support.

They have always had limits. They are not allowed to give game hints, they are not Devs who fix bugs, they can’t intervene in loot disputes, etc. They can only do what is within policy and what is backed by game logs.

There is a whole article about what they can and can’t do on the CS forum.

They probably took that as a request for a game hint which means they would refer you to a site to read about the game.

The tools they used don’t require them to enter the game anymore for most things. They stopped doing the interactive tickets for most things back before WoD.

They DO have Live Chat and Phone Callback though for some Billing and Account Access issues.

If you have questions about what GMs can do for a specific issue the Customer Support forum is an Information Desk. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/customer-support/13 You can get answers about how to best put in a ticket, what policies are in place, etc. There are no GMs there and it is not a replacement for a ticket, but they can help walk you through the process so you don’t waste your time.

This was not what you think. What tends to happen is that the GMs don’t know about new bugs or issues. If the logs look good to them, and there is no notice distributed to them about an issue existing, then they give the standard reply. However, once many reports start coming in it tends to get escalated to QA and then they get to the bottom of it. GM then get get new updated instructions. Which is what you got the last ticket. Bottom line - QA team, Dev Team, and GMs don’t relay information smoothly or quickly. GMs are last to find anything out so they don’t know of a new bug or what the protocol is for it until later.


“The new ticket system is the most amazing support system any game has had” - All the guys who hang out in the CS forum and heart every comment from blue posters

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< insert Anchorman meme here >