What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

I use different mounts for different characters. This one’s default is Invincible. :3

I’m partial to the jewelcrafting panthers on several characters, too.

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Lucid Nightmare.

It was a . . . nightmare . . . to acquire.


Finding the right mount as a tauren is difficult. Most mounts either don’t look like they could actually carry me, or they’re freaking huge and get caught on everything.

The ones I use the most are probably the polar bear from Northrend or the ghost moose from archeology. They are big enough to be believable while being small enough to not be annoying.


Any mount that is sleek and small and doesn’t have big wings flapping. I don’t really have an absolute favorite but I’m quite fond of Sundancer from Bastion.

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I had this problem on my Tauren Paladin. XD! Granted, it’s a female so not as bulky as the males, but still.

I find the Guardian store mount works well (the purple and gold lion). Or like the Kyrum winged lion model. Also the Quillin from Pandaria.

I don’t like giant mounts either - they just get in the way. But those tends to scale pretty well with the big character while still remaining sleek enough to not be bulky.

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You lot all end up looking like Starscourge Radahn and his little horse Leonard

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I got Invincible out of the ulduar timewalking box last wrath timewalking. I enjoy having not had to work for the mount that some people have been farming for years and still have not gotten.

Lucid Nightmare

Because of the psychological trauma inflicted from that maze.


It depends on my character, because I like to use themed mounts that suit each of them individually.

Outside of my characters though… I love my Valarjar Stormwing. I just love the storm dragons and I think they look great. Farming the Valarjar Paragon chests was NOT fun, but it was totally worth it as I still use this mount all the time. Even based one of my characters around it after I got it.

As for my favorite ground mount, gotta be my Vicious Sabertooth. Both the Alliance and the Horde colors look fantastic and I like the DF “Rockfang” models a lot. I suffered through so much S1 Solo Shuffle for it and as much of a pain as it was (Mostly just the awful queue times tbh) I’m really glad I did it.

Purchased 2 wow tokens back in the day and they sold for 54K each, went to the old town and bought the treadblade

This one took me two years of fishing at the Pandaria Peaks…


For ground mount, I kind of like G.M.O.D… It’s not so tall that I can’t get through doors, so that helps. I like the way it flies too, insofar as the head-first animation goes. I’m not a big fan of the sway but it’s a subtle sway. Otherwise I think the chaos-steed is pretty cool.

Flying mount… probably the Fel Dragon from time rifts, I dig that green!

There’s a couple I don’t have yet that I might like more, but sometimes I just use one for a while then onto the next one I like.

I recently hit 700 mounts and I love all my preciouses.

I guess if you held a gun to my head, I would pick the Grove Warden or Jeweled Onyx Panther. I love low profile flying mounts with no wings.

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Which mounts I use varies wildly, largely depending on what Race/Class I’m playing to fit the theme. The only mounts I use universally across all characters would be the Grand Expedition Yak and the Savage Green Battle Turtle. The Yak for the transmog NPC and the turtle because it would be my favorite of the aquatic mounts.

If I had to pick favorites for ground and flying… hmm…


  • Black War Kodo - my very first Epic mount back when getting a mount was a huge deal
  • Black War Mammoth - Stevey has carried me through many battle across Northrend and beyond
  • Frostwolf Howler - just an iconic wolf that I spent days in AV getting
  • Kor’kron War Wolf - my first AOTC
  • Mechano-Hog - I spent so much time farming mats and getting into Ulduar groups to make it
  • Warlord’s Deathwheel - I don’t care if it was a silly marketing contest. I think it looks really cool.


  • Heart of the Aspects - I really like the design and am so happy they updated its wonky animations
  • Turbo-charged Flying Machine - my first Epic flying mount, again back when getting a mount was a huge deal
  • Iron Skyreaver - It just fits for basically any Horde character
  • Ravenous Black Gryphon - just a really nice, simple, HD gryphon model that I use for all my Human and Dwarf alts
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Ground is Swift Zulian Tiger by far. Looks great and I still remember the rush when it dropped almost 20 years ago.

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Right now it’s the one from the epic edition of The War Within.


Armoured bloodwing, when it first appeared in the store during mop I knew I had to have it. I bought it day one and have been using it since.

For ground mounts I tend to use the black war saber the most idk if its a nostalgia thing or not though. For horde when I play undead I normally stick with barons mount from stratholme.

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TLPD - Saw it on my way to an Ulduar run for Cosmos.
Infinite Timereaver - Randomly got it when I didn’t even know it existed. Didn’t know it was rare until someone pointed it out to me.
Sparkle Pony - Whipped out that card babyyyy.

Flight - Sandstone Drake - bought it when the price dropped a while back so that all my alts can carry a passenger. But now the touring rocket is a thing so…

Ground - Yak - it can repair and t-Mog. Tottaly worth the price IMO.

My favorite mount in the game, both Ground and Flying, is the Arcanist’s Manasaber.

You get it by completing the Suramar storyline in Legion and get Exalted with Suramar.

It’s literally a magical cat that flies, and once Dynamic Flight is activated everywhere, it will most likely be my primary mount in all situations.

The one mount I wish I had is that Flying Disc that Mages get, but I’ve never been able to level a Mage up to the point of unlocking it.


what if my favorite is the sea lion druid form.

The quest that you used to have to do for the forms back in the day was some of my favorite wow content.

I know it was nothing cutting edge or whatever but searching the drop off in that shore for the necklace piece while trying not to drown was a lot of fun